Happy Saturday! Finally getting around to posting this. I spent all day catching up on reading and household chores. I was excited to see my new novella, What Once Was Lost, hit the bestseller list this week on All Romance. I’m particularly amused because I’m not actually a romance author—that was my first genuine attempt at one.
In case anyone has forgotten, I’ve been posting Nate’s “first time” story (using the term loosely here, as I’m inclusive on what qualifies as sex and don’t think Tab A—>Slot B is the only definition). Last week, nearly everyone wanted to know if Rocco’s idea to pretend they’re watching the Sox game worked. I’m stringing you along a bit more, but I promise you’ll find out whether Rocco’s mom catches on. As for how “true” this story is…well, think boys and their big mouths. (Notes for the nitpicky: Nate is now in his 20s; this is a high school story; yes, I know Ramirez doesn’t play for the Sox anymore.)
“Anyway, so he puts on the game, and we just kind of take our clothes off and start doing it. Then, while he’s pounding me and I’m just about to blow, his mom calls down, ‘You boys want something to eat?’ I was too close, Rocco kept moving, and I let go, groaning real loud. A second later, his mom says, ‘You all right?’ And Rocco, still without stopping, goes, ‘Yeah, Ramirez just struck out. Looks like they’re gonna lose.’”
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!

Hahahaha 🙂
I kinda hope we’ll see more of Rocco. He’s a hoot.
😀 This novel is the first in a series, and Rocco shows up in the second one. But I’ll post the last bit of this memory next week.
Hahaha oh geez Rocco.
Oh, just wait. 😉
Either nothing much phases Rocco or else this isn’t the first time he’s had to cover something up.
It’s the second one. LOL!
Haha, Rocco’s hilarious.
I ended up liking him enough to write him into the sequel. 😀
Haha!!! 😀
LMAO! Thanks for my first laugh out loud of the day!
Yay! Happy to oblige. 😀
Rocco’s a quick thinker, anyway! But he might have locked the door first…
He should have! I think he kind of liked the thrill, though. 😀
Too funny!