Well, it’s official: My 5-year-old is no longer a little boy. We went to visit my husband at work this afternoon, after he was done teaching for the day. His student teacher was also there, surfing YouTube. He found a pretty cool video and was showing it to my son. He wanted to see it again, but we had to leave. I told him we could find it again at home. We did, and he enjoyed watching it. I went to the kitchen to get some chores done. When I checked in with my son, he was doing his own surfing–finding all sorts of neat videos to watch. Of course, I immediately had mom radar going, to make sure he wasn’t stumbling on something inappropriate. But he was able to find all kinds of kid stuff, from Hot Wheels cars to Thomas the Tank Engine to marble chutes.
When did my baby get to be old enough to surf the web on his own?!

tomorrow: teaching you HTML!
I feel very lucky to still know more than my 12 yo step-daughter. I won’t be able to claim that for very much longer, though.