I’m not a huge fan of Hallmark-induced holidays. But I am a fan of love, marriage, sex, and my husband, all things worthy of celebration on Valentine’s Day. Because I adore him, today’s “follow me” post is about—you guessed it—my husband.
I could tell you all the things I love about my husband, and why you should love him too. But I think I may be a bit biased, so don’t just take my word for it.
Even though I’m the one who writes, my husband does keep a blog. It’s highly specific, and not everyone’s cup of tea. He’s not all about his personal journey or his life experiences or finding new asinine things said by Mark Driscoll. He leaves that up to me.
Instead, Hubby is taking a 9-year trip through the Bible, dashing off his thoughts as he reads. He took a brief break in 2010 to lead our church through the Bible in one year, but returned to regular updates last year. He is currently at the midpoint of the read-through.
If what you want is a daily chunk of Scripture and a thought or two to go along with it, then join my husband for the back half of his reading. If you prefer to start at the beginning, you can find all his posts archived on his blog.
You can check it all out here: Nine Year Bible (the link is also in my blogroll). ♥

Thanks, Wifey! I feel very appreciated. Keep up the great work!
You are most welcome, wonderful husband! 🙂