TIME Magazine, celebrity feminism, and Donna Summer. It’s all in here!
1. TIME Magazine enrages us all
Even though the controversial issue of TIME Magazine came out last week, it’s still the center of the blogosphere. Tons of women have weighed in on it, from a variety of perspectives. What’s been awesome about the whole thing is that TIME intended to fan the flames of the Mommy Wars, but we moms (and women who aren’t moms, too) proved ourselves above such foolishness. We came together spectacularly to support each other in our parenting styles. Yeah, women!
Here are what I consider the best of the best in response to the TIME article:
- Rachel Held Evans helps us laugh at ourselves and recognize that we are, indeed, enough just as we are.
- Avital Norman Nathman gives us her take over at The Mamafesto. In her first post, “Are YOU ‘Mom Enough’?”, she explains the artificial battle line TIME has drawn. In the second, “Distraction”, she reminds us that we shouldn’t let TIME get away with distracting us from the very real parenting issues of post-natal leave, sick time, and health care for families.
- The Radical Housewife encourages us to ponder the ways in which patriarchy has determined that none of us will ever be “mom enough.”
- Over on Soulseeds, Meg Lawton tells us about her breastfeeding journey and why TIME’s sexualized image put her off.
2. The limitations of celebrity feminists
Check out this great article on the problems with women like Tina Fey who would limit our feminism “for our own good.” Long, but worth the read. It’s another take on the madonna/whore complex.
3. Donna Summer dies