Well, the world didn’t end. Given that we’re all still standing and Christmas is in just a few days, I thought I would share some hope with you today. I’m featuring the blog posts I read this week that filled me with a sense that there is still light in this world. I’ll also share with you my two recent guest posts. After this, I’m taking a much-needed break until after Christmas. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.
1. On believing in love
Sarah Moon echoes what I think a lot of us feel at one time or another in her excellent post, When I don’t want to be a Christian anymore, I just believe in love. I’ll let her words speak for themselves.
2. On working toward inclusion
Registered Runaway has some great advice for how churches can stop looking for ways to “reach out” to LGBT people and start seeing them in their midst. This is especially relevant now, when so many church leaders want to know how to attract different segments of the population.
3. On youth empowerment
One of the privileges I have as a writer is to introduce you to people you may not know. The author of this post is someone I know in real life. Today’s youth give me great hope that our world is in better hands than perhaps we realize.
4. On using our senses
Until recently, I had never given much thought to how we use our senses in praise and worship. These are my musings, posted over at Provoketive.
5. On Christmas gifts
Andrea Ward was gracious enough to allow me to write a guest post on her blog. This is the story of my first Christmas as a Christian.
6. On why we celebrate
The excellent John Shore shared this video the other day, so I’m passing it along to you. Merry Christmas, everyone.