It’s been hard staying in a rhythm over the summer, with both kids and my husband home. I’ve also had twice as many editing/proofreading projects as last summer, so that’s left me little time to keep up on my blog. Along with that, we’ve had several unexpected things happen, including sending my faithful Nissan Altima to the Great Body Shop in the Sky. I’m now the proud owner of an SUV. I never thought I would say that–it really does make me feel like such a suburban mom. Anyway, I may not have been writing much, but I’ve definitely been reading. This week’s list is a bit short, due to my own limited time, but here are some of the things I really liked this week.
1. Penal Substitution
Anyone who’s been reading my stuff for a while probably knows (or has at least guessed) that I’m no fan of the penal substitution view of salvation. This Naked Pastor cartoon nearly made me snort my coffee out my nose.
2. Too many to list separately
Registered Runaway is my go-to blogger when I feel like I’m just done being harsh and frustrated. I have a pretty forceful personality, and that’s not going to change, but the gentle people in this world are a good balance and keep me from toppling over the edge into cyclical rage. I couldn’t pick just one of his posts this week, so I’m just linking the blog and you can read them all.
3. Well, all righty then.
Simon Chan wrote this. It made me wish I’d had time this week to write something scathing and witty in response, but buying a new car broke my sarcasm function. Fortunately, there are other good writers on the Internet. Check out these excellent responses: Women Are People, Too: A Conservative Baptist Take On Inclusive Language and Why We Call God Father: a response to Simon Chan.
4. Today’s short story
I just posted this on my fiction blog. Haven’t put anything up there in a long time, so it feels good to add a new story.
I’m not sure how the next week will go. I’m volunteering every morning at a summer camp, so it will be sporadic. I’ll do my best to keep up, though. Have a great weekend, everyone!