Here we are, another Wednesday. I can’t believe it, but I actually blogged—three times! Okay, one was a cover reveal. Still, I got two other posts done between last week and this, so I’m pretty happy. The bad news is, that’s probably only because I’ve been procrastinating on my NaNoWriMo edits. I’m still in the Pit of Despair with The Machine turned up to 50.
Anyway, today’s WIPpet is short and sweet (and a tad naughty). This isn’t technically a WIP anymore, since I’ve submitted it, but I couldn’t leave you all hanging thinking poor Alex and Phin were over. Let’s just say “stuff happens” and they’ve…um…”made up.” Yeah, that’s it. (ReGi, I can hear you blushing.) I’ve left off the actual moment of reconciliation; you’ll just have to wait for the anthology to read it. Mwahaha!
WIPmath: 12 + 1 + 0 = 13 sentences.
As he buttoned his shirt, Phin said, “Have you eaten?” When Alex arched an eyebrow and snickered, Phin smacked his arm. “Dinner! Have you eaten dinner?”
“Nope,” Alex replied.
They reached the door, and Phin held Alex back with a hand on his arm. “Hey.”
“Hm?” Alex stopped and turned toward him.
Phin put a hand on the back of Alex’s neck and dragged him into a kiss. When he pulled back, he said, “I don’t say this nearly enough, but I love you.”
Alex smiled. “I know. I love you, too.”
Awww, these guys. In case you want to participate, this is the anthology I’ve submitted the story to. The call is open; please check out the link, read the guidelines, and send in your own work for inclusion.
Like what you read? Then you may enjoy the rest of the entries. Go, read, and leave some love; add your own if you’re so inclined. Just post a bit of your current work-in-progress, do some fancy math to make it fit the date, and link up with us. As always, thanks to K. L. Schwengel for connecting us. Happy writing!

now i have to go write mine for the anthology. doh!
LOL! Yeah, they’re sickeningly cute. 🙂
AWWWWW seconded
I know! I adore them. The thought of these guys NOT ending on an “awwww” is too horrible to imagine.
awwwwww. 😀
😀 I love all the “awww” this is getting.
ok, now I get why you mentioned all the awwwws on Facebook.
Here’s mine:
😀 Glad you liked it!
I’ll add to the awwwww (but also I laughed at the first lines of dialogue 😉 )
I’m glad! I was hoping at least one person would be amused. That’s the part of the story I didn’t include in this WIPpet. LOL!
You heard me blushing, huh? All the way from there? 😛 Now I want to know why they reconciled. (Not how, though. Think I got that.) If I’d made an ultimatum and someone still walked out on me, they’d best not expect me to be around again without some serious grovelling. Written apology, flowers, chocolate, probably giving up something I find annoying but had put up with until then. Mostly chocolate, though. Lots and lots of really expensive chocolate. Was there chocolate involved in the reconciliation process?
Hahaha! Well, let’s just say that there was a phone call, some tears, a treasure hunt, and a sappy-happy surprise. 🙂 There might have been hot cocoa involved along the way. Will that do for chocolate?
No awwwww from me. 😉 Phin…*sigh* Alex is so lucky. Although I’m sure for a while there, before the reconciliation, he didn’t think he was.
Phin is definitely sigh-worthy. I really need to have another bad-boy type, don’t I? They’re so much fun. Alex knows he’s lucky…he just momentarily freaked out for that very reason.
“Have you eaten?” Oh, the naughty, naughty boys! =)
I think I love them both! Now, guys, go eat some FOOD!
I actually have a story in one of my WIP drafts that might be right for the anthology. If I can dig it out, I might look more carefully at the guidelines. At any rate, I saved the page.
They’re only my second LBGT couple, and they definitely don’t end even remotely happily, but they have a sweetly sexy, lovey-dovey beginning!
So thanks for more Alex and Phin, and thanks for the link, too!
They are so naughty! I suppose we can forgive them, since it’s Valentine’s Day and all. 😉
Ooh, I hope your story fits. According to the guidelines, a happy ending isn’t required. I deal in happy-ever-afters and happy-for-nows, but not everyone does, and not everyone wants to read that.
I’m adding another “Awwwww!” and love the way this snippet moves from humor to heartfelt for these two guys. I also favor the ‘happy ever after’ or ‘happy for now’ ending. Neat!
Thanks! They have that kind of relationship, where there’s always both humor and sweetness. 🙂
Don’t mind me, I’m just over here still snickering about “Have you eaten?”
And for the record: d’awwww. 😛
Hahaha! I’m glad people are enjoying the silliness as well as the lovey stuff. 🙂