Okay, so I’m a day late on this. I forgot yesterday due to other circumstances (which I may detail in a future blog post).
For those of you who weren’t following my blog last summer, ROW80 is A Round of Words in 80 Days. We set goals and work toward them over the next few months, and we do four rounds a year. I took off the fall round because I was busy with a book launch and not doing much writing, followed by NaNoWriMo (which was an Epic Disaster this year, and I’m still trying to salvage what I can).
Anyway, here are my goals for this round:
- Read 30 minutes/day—I do book reviews, but I also want to read for pleasure in between. This worked well for me last time. I’ve been able to complete a lot of reviews as well as read a few other books.
- Write 1 hour/day—This also worked well last time. It forced me to take that hour and write without doing anything else. No word counts, no pressure to finish by a certain time. I need to write 2-3 novels and 3 short stories this year, but I don’t want to pressure myself. I work well with slow and steady.
- Write 1 blog post/week that isn’t ROW80 or WIPpet—Just something to keep me in the blogging world and make sure my readers have new content.
- Write 1 flash fiction/month—I’d like to keep my skills sharp and my ideas fresh. I always have more ideas than I could possibly write whole novels for, so this will give me the chance to write shorter works.
- Walk on the treadmill 5 days/week—Ok, not a writing goal, but still something I need to do. My fibromyalgia is fairly well controlled pain-wise, but the fatigue really gets me in the winter. I’m too sensitive to the cold for an outdoor walk, so this will get me in better shape.
And that’s it! I feel confident that my goals are manageable despite all the other work I normally have, such as homeschooling, beta reading, and orchestra and choir rehearsals.
If you want to join in, write up your goals on your blog and link up with us here. (Link is on the blog.) Check-ins are twice weekly, but I often only do it once along with my WIPpet Wednesday post. Happy writing!
kate sparkes
Fantastic goals! Best of luck with all of them… not that you need it. 🙂
Andi-Roo (@theworld4realz)
My NaNo wasn’t a complete wash, but it certainly didn’t yield the results I was hoping for! Still, I combined it with the previous year’s project and have a really great mess I’m hoping to clean up eventually. For now, though… I’m attempting 500 words per day, with hopes of completing my WIP by June 30, 2015. I’m participating in a reading challenge, as well, but nothing extremely structured. I made a list of 50 books I want to read this year, and if I hit ‘em all, that’s awesome, but if I fall short, that’s okay. I know I need to work in some exercise, too, so maybe I’ll concentrate more on that next round. Good luck! We can do this!
Elizabeth Anne Mitchell
I’m trying to write every day, without the pressure of word count. It’s very freeing, and I find that I am more productive than when I try to do a certain word count–which is why I cannot do well at NaNo.
Great goals–I have minimal goals for the first part of the Round. The day job should subside in a month or so, then I will ramp up.
I hope you have a great Round!