Hiya! It’s Wednesday again, and I’m sharing a bit of my current work-in-progress. Well, technically, this is in edits. I’m doing my first-round changes and sending them to my amazing betas so we can kick this draft’s butt. My real writing work-in-progress is supposed to be top secret, but I can give you a tiny hint. It involves a certain very cute, freckly redhead. Hm…
In today’s snippet of Anthem, Trevor and Andre are about to meet—finally! They’re both in a bar on Boylston, dragged their by their friends. Julian’s been suggesting potential hook-ups for Andre, who just isn’t having any of it.
WIPmath: 5 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 17
Julian peered around Andre. His eyebrows rose, and a slow smile spread across his face. “Sexy over there’s watching you.”
Andre followed Julian’s gaze. “You think he’s hot?” He snickered. “Thought you were straight.”
“Mm. I can recognize man candy when I see it.” He laughed. “Elisa points it out. I got that first one, but he wasn’t into you. Maybe this guy.”
The guy at the bar wasn’t half bad. He had wavy dark blond hair that hung almost to his shoulders, and Andre could see he was muscled but in a softer, almost curvy way. Despite the scruff on his chin, he had boyish features, but his mouth was turned down and he sat hunched on his stool. Andre almost smiled at how the man looked nearly as out of place as he felt.
I’ll just leave it there for today. You’ll have to come back next week to see what happens. Meanwhile, go enjoy the other snippets and maybe share your own. Thanks to K. L. Schwengel for keeping us going. Happy reading and writing!

So cute. Love the friendship here.
I do too. I was so worried that I wouldn’t know these guys as well as Trevor & Co. because the whole series sort of hinges on Trevor and his roommates. So I’m happy that I was able to discover Andre and Julian’s friendship.
I agree with Kate. The friendship is adorable. Also the bit about Elisa pointing out man candy. 😛 Just what every straight guy wants a girl to do for him.
Hahaha! Yeah, I have a feeling he doesn’t mind all that much, and it’s probably more for Andre’s benefit anyway. LOL!
Love it. It feels exactly – EXACTLY – right! The friendship, Trevor on his stool, trying to be inconspicuous, and yet interested maybe in spite of himself and the circumstances…
Love it.
And I think I JUST got who the freckly redhead is – and YAY!!!! =D
Yes! You have no idea how badly I want to post bits of it here, but I can’t because the first novel isn’t out yet. By the time it does release, I’ll be long past working on this one. Fortunately, I’ve outlined a third part to the series, so I’ll eventually be able to share that one.
That’s Trevor…trying very hard not to look interested in the least. 😀
Nothing like a virtual bro-hug…. These guys have put each other through their paces–they know each other well. And they have each other’s backs… But it looks like emotions are going to run high soon.
Yes, that’s for sure. They’ve been like brothers for years. Julian’s had a lot of practice at this.
My very first “date” was to a gay bar with a guy friend. Yes, we had, but I think I can sort of understand how uncomfortable he is.
I’m not a fan of bars at all. I just don’t enjoy them. But I’ve gone to various spots with friends because…well, my friends wanted to. I share his discomfort.
Really like this snippet. Love the back and forth between the friends.
Thanks! I sometimes think I like friend-banter better than romantic dialog. 🙂
I love pretty much everything that’s happening in this snippet. Love the friendship, and I love the description of Trevor from Andre’s point of view – “looked nearly as out of place as he felt.” Nicely done.
Aw, thanks! As much as I like Trevor, I much prefer writing in Andre’s “voice” and his observations of the world around him. 🙂
It’s always good to have a wing man you can count on – can’t wait to see what happens next week!