Hello, Wednesday, my old friend. I can’t believe it’s been another week already. I’ve mostly spent my time combing through my selection of short story competitions/open calls, deciding what to submit and where. I sent a couple off, and the one that really made me nervous involves an author friend of mine. There’s an extra layer when you know the person but they’ve never read your work because you usually write in different genres. This also marks the third time I’ve stepped out of my usual world of literary m/m to try my hand at something new.
Other than that, life goes on. We have three weeks until recital/concert season ends and just over four until school lets out. There’s so much to do between now and then, it’s not even funny. When it’s all over, I’ll be the one shriveled in a corner somewhere (because it’s too dang hot for a blanket fort anymore).
On to WIPpet. I’m sticking with this scene because this whole novel is one long spoiler. This all happens in the first few chapters, so I can share. The following is immediately after last week’s excerpt. You may recall that Julian pushed Andre in Trevor’s direction; this is the result. For anyone not from New England: Moxie is like root beer only yucky.

WIPmath: 5 + 26 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 39 sentences.
He sidled up to the other guy, whose eyes widened comically when he saw Andre. He opened his mouth like he was about to say something, thought better of it, and clamped his lips shut. Andre shook his head. They were both out of their element, and knowing that put him at ease.
“Hey,” he said. He nodded at the guy’s glass. “What are you drinking?”
“Moxie,” the man said then snorted. “Boring. Sorry.”
“You in the mood for something stronger? How about just a beer?”
“Uh…sure.” The man blushed again.
Andre ordered a couple of Sam Adams. When they showed up, he held his out to the blond man. “Cheers.” They clinked. “What’s your name?”
“Tr—Trey,” he stammered.
So, they were playing that game. Andre could spot a fake a mile away. “Fine, then, Trey. I’m…Antoine.”
Trey—or whoever he really was—ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. I suck at this. I was just going to stay home and mope tonight, but my friend dragged me here.” He waved at the band. “We know those guys.”
Andre didn’t ask how they were associated. Instead, he nodded. “We seem to be in the same boat.” He took a swig of his beer and leaned closer. “Would you be offended if I said your friends aren’t that good?”
Trey jerked, and his eyebrows shot up. His lips curled upward on one side, and his eyes glinted with mischief. “Not at all. I thought it was just me.”
Well, I mean, with a name like Creepy Crullers, did you expect them to be good?
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Haha, that’s kind of awesome. Nice way to break the ice.
Is it weird that “like root beer only yucky” kind of makes me want to try it? Not a whole bottle, just a taste.
The best way I can describe it (and keep in mind, I dislike it) is that it tastes like root beer but stronger and less sweet. It has this bite to it. To me, it tastes somewhat medicinal. I’m not convinced they serve it in bars, but it’s definitely unique to New England—primarily Maine and Massachusetts.
I don’t like sweet drinks, so I might like Moxie. Something to put on the Have to Try list. Maybe Kate and I could meet in New England and split one.
LOL! I dislike it, but it’s relatively popular with locals. I’m not a fan of any kind of soda or sweet drink.
I had Moxie once as a kid (and kind of liked it, sorry… I don’t like sweet drinks). I do think some bars still sell it because it is, as you note, a local phenomena. You can still buy it some places in NYS too that said.
I like the name game. Trey bay, bo brey, banana fana,…. 😉
I can’t remember where I tried it. Probably a restaurant—I wasn’t old enough to be in a bar at the time. It was my first visit to Boston, and the friend I was staying with insisted we had to experience as much as possible.
Great interplay between these two. Andre is so ready to not trust that Trey is giving his real name. And I love the crack about the band. Excellent.
LOL! I originally thought the band would be good, and it kind of struck me that they’re probably just…not. Andre’s not necessarily a suspicious person, but he’s no fool, either.
Great continuation of the scene, Amy. really liking the interaction here. 🙂
At your description of Moxie, I had to laugh. Nearly everyone in Germany thinks root beer tastes yucky. It seems to be something you have to be exposed to in early childhood in order to like. Maybe the stinky tofu everyone loves in Taiwan is the same thing …
LOL! I used root beer for comparison, and I don’t mind it, but I’m not all that fond of soda in general. Too sweet, and I don’t like bubbles. I would probably be willing to try the tofu, actually. 🙂
Like root beer only yucky. 😛 Nice. 🙂
I’m with Andre on the fake names thing. Why bother? Unless you’re some uber celebrity incognito or something. And what if you forget to answer when someone you like calls you by your alias? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Not a good way to start things, Trevor. At least Andre is being nice about playing along.
Oh, Trevor definitely has a reason. But that would be spoilers. 🙂 I’m not even sure how much of this I can post after this scene.
I’m beginning to love these two =P I do love Andre…Trevor still has some…room to grow.
I obviously have a thing for having one fairly strong character and one who needs growth. I like to read those books, too. Heh, I don’t think I noticed that until just now that I pretty much *always* do that. LOL!
loved that last bit! great snippet
Thanks! 🙂
Awww! Trevor is so cute and nervous! Andre gets points for taking everything in stride and staying cool about the whole names thing. I like them. More, please!
Yay! Yeah, Trevor’s got good reason to be nervous. Andre’s not too bothered by the name thing because he’s not imagining a long-term thing happening. Good thing he’s not the one in charge of this story. LOL!
Looks like they’re off to a good start having something in common. I like how Andre, even though he’s suspicious, gives Trevor the benefit of the doubt and hangs in there.
I can’t say much without spoilers, but he has a lot of experience (not so much in bars but life in general, for reasons). He’s pretty well aware of the reasons someone might not give a real name. Well, and Trevor endeared himself to Andre by agreeing his friends’ band is awful. LOL!
Haha, I love that as an icebreaker, insulting the band to their friend actually works. Though I like their name, they sound like the kind of band that would be fun to watch just to see how bad they really are. :p
Trevor’s shyness is just flat-out adorable!
LOL! I’m glad that came through about the band being such a train wreck it’s fun to watch. In the initial planning stages, that wasn’t what I had in mind. But once my family jokingly named them, I knew they had to be bad. It definitely made it fun to write as an icebreaker!