It’s been a busy week! Over the weekend, I attended the Transcending Boundaries conference, and it was really fantastic to meet a bunch of people I’d only ever communicated with online. One of the most significant takeaways was that I want to learn how to better balance fierce and passionate advocacy with gentle kindness. There’s a difference between pointing out where society as a whole has shortcomings and blasting a single individual for their missteps. There were several people I met who do this balancing act with grace, and I want to be more like them.
On to my WIPpet. This manuscript is nearly ready for round 1 edits. I’m so excited! Today, I’m sharing the follow-up to last week’s rather grim post. If you recall, AJ was speaking to his friend Luke, who is in a bad situation. Here, they have the chance to catch up a bit. This is a longish snippet, but it’s mostly dialog. In case you are wondering, Saint Monica is actually the patron saint of abuse victims. (AJ was raised Catholic by activist parents in a church modeled after one in my city.)
WIPmath: 25 mostly short paragraphs for the 25th.
Luke hollered in Spanish that he was taking a lunch break. Senora Guzman poked her head out and waved to AJ then nodded at Luke. He exited the work station and joined AJ in the booth.
The minute his butt hit the seat, AJ said, “You’re in a great mood. What’s this big news?”
Luke glanced over his shoulder and leaned in close. In a whisper he said, “I’m going to school.”
“What?” AJ said. Realizing he was too loud, he also leaned in and said more quietly, “You are?”
Nodding, Luke said, “I’m getting out. I’ve been saving up, a little at a time. I have enough for a security deposit and first month’s rent, and I already got a scholarship.” His cheeks flushed red. “I didn’t think they’d give it to me. I’m not real smart like you.”
“The hell you’re not,” AJ countered. “This is great! Does Connor know?” Connor was another of their friends, the only other person who had any idea about what Luke had been through.
Luke shook his head. “I was planning to tell you both when we went out, but…” He bit his lip.
AJ knew what he meant. The last time they’d gone out together, Greg had kept Luke at his side the whole time. He wasn’t even allowed to have a pee alone, and AJ and Connor couldn’t separate him to find out how he was doing. It was a big deal that he’d found a way to apply for school and tuck money away on his own. Even six months ago he wouldn’t have been in a frame of mind to manage it.
“Are you going to tell him?” AJ asked.
“Can you?” The anxiety hadn’t left Luke’s light blue eyes. “I would, but I don’t think I should call him.”
“Sure. Is there anything I can do?”
“Mm-mm.” Luke grinned again, the joy returning as suddenly as it had left. It came complete with Luke’s charming dimples, which only appeared when his smile was genuine. “I can’t wait!”
“I’ll bet,” AJ agreed. “What are you studying?”
“Liberal arts, for now,” Luke said with a shrug. “I don’t know what I want to do. Maybe something in food service. I really like my job, even if it is just serving fast tacos.”
AJ laughed. “There’s no such thing as ‘just.’ If you love your job, who cares?”
“Maybe. Anyway, I’ll figure it out. For now, I want to know what else is out there. Senor Hierra and Senora Guzman have said they’ll let me work around my classes. They’re the best.” He blushed again, bright scarlet on his pale cheeks.
“They are,” AJ said. They’d been like a second family to Luke since he moved to the town to live with Greg.
“I should get back to work.” Luke crumpled his trash and stood up.
“Me too.” AJ stole another look around, hoping Luke wouldn’t notice, then gave him a hug.
To his dismay, Luke had seen. “He’s not here,” he said.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Luke squeezed AJ’s hand and put his mouth up to AJ’s ear. “I’m okay. I’m getting out for real this time.”
“I know,” AJ repeated. “Love you, Lukey.”
“You too.”
One last smile and Luke retreated to the service counter, slipping back in through the employee door. AJ waved to him on his way back out, saying a silent prayer for Saint Monica to intervene on behalf of Luke’s safety.
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Witt for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!

awwwwww and I’m pretty sure I know where this going. =(
Yep, pretty sure you do. But no one dies; I don’t do that. Yet.
I agree, but I’m sticking around to find out. So emotional. I’m in my feelings :'(
Yeah. This is not a good situation. But don’t lose hope yet.
Gah! Here I was all hopeful and then Adrian and Samara put sad faces.
Well, you can still be hopeful. It has to get worse before it gets better, though.
Loved this scene, but I know the writer is going to give us a nasty plot twist. Poor Luke. I want him to ‘get out’. Congrats on nearly being ready for that first beta read. Great accomplishment before the end of the year.
Yes, there are other things that happen with this situation. But don’t give up on Luke; he’s stronger than he thinks he is.
Thanks for the encouragement! It’s a big deal, getting this done.
Awwwwww. I love this snippet. And I really hope Luke does get out.
Aw, thanks. Definitely don’t lose hope for Luke. 🙂