Happy Monday after Christmas! I’m pretty excited today because I’m so ready to announce a new project and give some stuff away! Keep reading for more details.
First things first: I’m ready to get down to working on edits for another novel. For anyone who read Passing on Faith (or might read it in the near future), I’m already working on another story in that timeline. The fun part about being a writer is how sometimes, the muse gently taps us on the shoulder (or shakes us and screams in our ear; whichever) and lets us know there’s another tale in there. PoF was supposed to be self-contained, as Lower Education was. Too bad my muse looks an awful lot like a certain ginger-blond with a whole lot of freckles who insisted he wanted to tell his story.
Just a little bit of a teaser:
Cat wasn’t running, exactly—more a fast lope. He was all the way to his own front door before he processed his bare chest, having left his shirt next door. There was no chance he was going back for it, certainly not that night and probably not any other. It was fine; he had plenty of other shirts. A missing sunset orange v-neck was the least of his worries, even if it was one of his favorites and complemented his ginger-blond hair so well.
He hurried inside his house and shut the door, turning around to lean on it despite knowing his back would stick to it. His skin was damp, and his breathing was shallow. Every inhalation shuddered with longing and regret. He should have known better than to give in to his own wishful thinking. It was too much to ask just once God might send him someone who could see past everything wrong with him to the real person he was.
No, that wasn’t right. He didn’t want someone to see past it—he wanted someone to embrace it. He’d done the whole “seeing past” thing once, and it had been all right in its way, but it wasn’t what he needed. For all of a few minutes, he’d been sure this time he’d found the right person. It hardly mattered that Micah, his gorgeous neighbor, was a mess of his own problems or that he was only going to be around for the summer. Sure, they couldn’t have the kind of passionate fling which was the stuff of movies. Cat’s body wasn’t fit for such things. They could have had something all their own, though, and it would have been enough.
Or rather, it was until Cat discovered once again how his train-wreck of a body would always be in the way. His usual trouble with the world of dating and mating was how many people saw him as a liability. Hooking up was largely out of the question, not that he was interested anyway. He never had been, no matter who believed he ought to be available. It was one lie of many which had followed him for eight long years. It made Cat hate how much people assumed about him because he was small and pretty.
He sighed and shoved off the door, wincing as it tugged at his skin but appreciating the way the burn grounded him. He flopped onto the couch, tired and a little sore and a lot heartbroken. His mind wandered back to the previous five minutes, and he closed his eyes. Whether it was to block out the images or embrace them, he wasn’t sure. It was his own fault—he’d made the first move. He’d kissed Micah.
And now for the fun part: Free stuff! I’m running a post-Christmas giveaway of any one item on my e-book list (excluding multi-author anthologies). You can view my Amazon page to see what’s available. Great way to start the new year!

Lower education caught my eye. Would love to read it. Thank you
Passing of Faith! I so want to read that. It’s on my list, and I will get to it eventually, one way or another, so free would be a bonus.
I have your book “Passing Faith” I haven’t read any others they sound great thank you for the giveaway.