Book Name: Anchored In Stone
Series: Chronicles of an Earned
Book: One
Release Date: November 1st, 2015
Pages or Words: 373 pages, 106,985 words
Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
Goodreads Link:
Publisher: Extasy Books
Cover Artist: Carmen Waters
The easiest heist in Alex Rhoden’s career is also the most dangerous of all.
As a child, Alex Rhoden’s talent as a thief was recognized by a rich art collector. He has since then been schooled and trained to become one of the best art thieves in the world. While on the easiest heist of his career he finds himself running with the artefact in his possession, followed by an unknown adversary. But they are not the only ones interested in the artefact—so is an ancient race of demigods called Earned. Cornered and out of options, Alex has to make a difficult decision that will turn his life upside down no matter what he chooses.
The young demigod, Kaleb, is reborn into servitude, but he is a freak amongst his own kind—the forbidden unity between an Earned and a witch. Other than finding himself, learning to control his powers, and balance high school as a senior, Kaleb must earn the trust of his pack and family. But Alex is in danger and the young demigod struggles to keep up.
Alex made his way down the corridors, watching out for the guard. This one he found leafing through a magazine with his feet up and his back turned to the staircase. Alex stopped, breathed in deeply, and let it out slowly, reminding himself that a fat guard’s dumb luck was what caught his cat burglar mentor. No matter how carefully one builds a card house, a gust of wind can bring it all down.
So Alex took his time and focused all his expertise on getting past this guard as if he were from the agency itself. Finally in the basement, he made his way to the crate, pushed it open, and sought out the stone first. He found it and put it in a bag, which he in turn put in his thigh pocket, before stuffing another bag with whatever his pricey education had told him was worth the most on the black market.
Happy with his find, he turned, but something seemed to have a hold on the pocket with the stone in. He turned and found himself face to face with a big, mean-looking ghost. He gasped and clasped his left hand over his mouth to catch the scream he couldn’t stop, and clutched the stone with his right.
And then he ran. He didn’t even care if the guard saw him. He made it past the guard, who was nowhere in sight, and exited through the service entrance.
Alex didn’t stop until his body threatened to vomit out his heart. He stopped and by sheer exhaustion, his body chose to empty his stomach anyway. He took the stone out and stared at it. It felt almost as if fine electricity danced between it and where it touched his skin.
“What the hell did you have me steal, Mr. Henry?”
Meraki P. Lyhne is a Danish author with a love for the paranormal and space opera. She has been writing space opera since 2007, but paranormal erotic romance is a newer love. Closing the door to her writing-den, she delves into elaborate stories and research ancient religions, mythologies, and arts of the world to be inspired, so she can create new creatures of the paranormal.
Facebook Author Page:
Twitter: @MerakiPLyhne
Today I’m welcoming Meraki P. Lyhne to chat about writing, life, and their current project. Welcome! Let’s talk a little about Anchored in Stone.
What inspired you to write this story?
I had an idea of playing with good and evil. Dualism. A short google search and my plot fell to pieces, but my curiosity was awoken. 8 years later spent on researching world religions, legends, myths, esoteric knowledge, mysticism, and alchemy and the story stepped forward once again. Especially the Mesopotamian god Enki inspired this one.
Is there a character you feel especially connected to? Why?
Alex Rhoden is a character so unlike anything I have ever written. The guy and I have maybe one thing in common, yet he has come so natural to write. He is neither my type nor shares my type in men, but he stepped forward fully formed. That doesn’t happen often, so he’s very special to me.
What was the hardest part of writing this?
The fact that the world grew so huge so fast. Sometimes it seems overwhelming to a point where I feel the need to step back to breathe. But it’s also what I love the most about this series.
Choose a favorite line or short passage. What do you like about it?
He had mentioned another ten once. Mumbled it as I pulled him from a pile of trash and he smelled of vomit and blood.
“If you ever have to run in your life, son, then run faster from the ones you owe money than anyone else.”
When reaching adulthood and having to stand on your own two feet, it’s nice to have a collection of wise words from your old man and… this is what I got.
I wrote this the first day I sat down to begin whatever was bursting to come out. I had no idea the impact it would have on me later on in the writing process, and I’m not even sure why I like it so much. Maybe because this was when Alex Rhoden stepped forward so clearly that I could almost smell him in the room next to me. Which is one of the reasons he’s so special to me.
Tell us a little about any upcoming projects.
I always work on more than one project at a time. Working title on the next series I hope to publish is Roughnecks & Butterflies. It’s a sci fi series (Ore 5) about a shy accountant and a promiscuous male strip-club owner on a mining planet.
Are there any types of scene you find hard to write (action, love, death, etc.)?
That depends on my mood. Sometimes love scenes can be difficult, so I write NOT DONE and skip it for when I’m in the mood. I don’t do it often, though. Things are usually pretty straight forward.
What do you do when you feel stuck (writer’s block)?
I do something creative. Draw, paint, embroider, but I’ve found that fountain pens are a wonderful tool to get warm writing again. It’s like the focus on writing beautifully and slower helps open the gates.
How do you handle a story that doesn’t go as you planned?
Man plans and God laughs. For authors it’s something like Authors plan, and the characters laugh. So I let them take me to where they want to go. And then we debate it in the rewrite.
Word Sprints!
Reusable or disposable grocery bags? Reusable. Nature is important to me.
What are you currently wearing? Leather pants, white dress shirt, and a lot of glitter (it’s 3 am New Year’s morning)
Do you have any pets? Two dogs, two cats, and two birds.
Morning person or night owl? Definitely a night owl!
What’s the best part of the day? Morning coffee enjoyed with a book.
11-Jan: The Hat Party, MM Good Book Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
18-Jan: Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Molly Lolly, Happily Ever Chapter
25-Jan: Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Love Bytes
1-Feb: Book Lovers 4Ever, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
8-Feb: A.M. Leibowitz, Cheekypee Reads and Reviews, BFD Book Blog
15-Feb: Boys on the Brink Reviews, Inked Rainbow Reads, Alpha Book Club
22-Feb: Prism Book Alliance, Divine Magazine, Bayou Book Junkie
29-Feb: Multitasking Mommas, Velvet Panic, Havan Fellows
Rafflecopter Prize: PDF copy of Anchored in Stone by Meraki P. Lhyne