Happy weekend! I may be a bit late-ish reading the entries. I’m a violinist, and I play with a non-professional community orchestra. It’s our last concert of the season, so I’ll be off playing Ravel’s Bolero tonight, along with several other pieces. We’re also playing Russian Easter Overture (Rimsky-Korsakov), which has to be among my favorite things we’ve ever played. It’s a stunning composition.
Now for the snippet. I’ve been posting from my recently released novella, What Once Was Lost:
When their son goes missing on a camping trip, Brook and Casey are given a chance to make amends for their past mistakes with each other.
Following a volatile break-up with his partner, Casey has been raising his son, Ryan, mostly on his own. While Ryan is on a camping trip in the Adirondacks, Casey and Brook make another attempt to work through their differences, with disastrous results. But when Ryan and his friend disappear in the mountains, Casey and Brook travel together to find him. The tension leads to an opportunity to listen to each other, reconcile their history, and recover the love they once shared.
This snippet doesn’t directly follow last week’s. These guys are trying to work through what happened between them while Casey’s son is away on a trip. I may revisit this in the future, but this is it for now. I have a book launch coming up, so I’ll be posting from that one for the next while starting next week.
He hauled his fist back, ready to strike.
“I needed you to feel something for me again!” Brook yelled. “Not that empty place where I didn’t know if you even wanted me anymore.”
Brook was breathing hard as he looked directly into Casey’s eyes, silently pleading with him in a way that brought a new feeling to Casey’s gut. Something snapped, and instead of bringing his fist forward to punch Brook, Casey grabbed his shirt and leaned in to crush their mouths together. The kiss wasn’t tender; it was bruising and desperate, and Casey poured all his rage and grief and longing into it.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!

Wow! Emotional scene. I’m looking forward to reading the book.
Thanks! It’s definitely a big moment for the two of them here.
Hope you enjoy your concert 🙂
Love this emotional and hot scene.
Ah, I’m glad both things came across in this scene. 🙂
The concert was great, but now I’m a little sad it’s over.
Great scene. I look forward to finding out how Brook reacts that that! 🙂
😀 He reacts a bit like how I would in his shoes.
So much emotion in this scene.
And I love violin. Bolero started a lifelong love of symphonic music for me.
Bolero is great. It’s always a crowd favorite. My grandfather was an artist, and he always had public radio on while he worked. So I grew up listening to all kinds of classical music, from chamber strings to opera to requiems. My favorites are still the big symphonic pieces, though.
I’m all for kissing not punching.
Less bloody and painful (usually). 😀
Big emotional owies!
Oh, yeah. They have a lot to work through.
Very intense emotions in this snippet. Looking forward to more from it in the future. (“More” as in “whole book.”)