It’s Saturday, and time for another Rainbow Snippet. I have two reasons to be beyond excited this week. First, I spent most of my day at rehearsal for my 12yo’s school musical. He’s playing Scar in The Lion King Jr. Opening show is next weekend! They did their costume and makeup workshop today, and his is absolutely stunning.
The other reason I’m excited is that I get to post something new today. My novel An Act of Devotion is releasing next Sunday! I’m having a release week blog party, so if anyone wants to do a guest post or have a book of your own promoted, use the contact forms under “Talk to Me” in the header.
Here’s the blurb:
Adam Lansing has always relied on his charm to get by. Sure, he’s starting over—new school, new graduate assistant position—but he knows he won’t have any trouble working his magic on anyone he chooses.
Antonio “AJ” Mancuso is deep inside his own head. He’s cool, calm, and confident. Despite all the friends around him, he often feels like he straddles two worlds. Is there anyone who could love him for everything that defines him—past and present?
From the first time they meet, Adam is determined to get gorgeous AJ to notice him. But just as the heat is cranking up between them, Adam spots AJ with another man. Adam strikes back through a fling with an ex. When he discovers the truth behind AJ’s behavior, he realizes that his magic won’t clean up for him this time.
Along with the romance, this novel addresses bisexual activism, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and health and awareness for bisexual and transgender communities.
And here’s the first snippet. I went to post the first paragraph, realized it was 8 sentences, and decided that I’d just combine it with the next one for a total of 12. Hey, it’s a multiple of 6. 😉
The man—because this was absolutely not one of the gangly, barely-adult boys in abundance on campus—was gorgeous. No, not merely gorgeous. God-like in his stunning beauty. He was practically a work of art. His skin was bronze, and he had a mass of thick, almost black hair that lay in heavy waves. Under long lashes, his dark eyes shone, and his lips were full and pink. He wasn’t quite clean-shaven, and the light, purposeful stubble oozed attractive masculinity. Even seeing only his upper body, it was obvious he was muscular and toned in a way Adam barely aspired to be.
Adam wasn’t one to be overly concerned about the packaging when it came to love—or lust, as the case might be. Hot people were hot people, in his opinion. As long as everyone was on the same page with what they wanted, the particulars of hes or shes or theys were only as important to him as they were to his partners. In all the years he’d been practicing the science of mate selection, he was certain he’d never met anyone who had melted his insides as fast as the man at the desk.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!

Thanks! 🙂
Great descriptions! No wonder Adam fell so fast.
Thanks! Yeah, I’m thinking I might have been swooning a bit too.
Nice snippet! Good luck for your new release 🙂
Thank you! I’m always nervous/excited at release time. 🙂
Sounds like he’s smitten. Good luck with your new novel.
Oh, he’s definitely smitten. Or at least enjoying the view, LOL.
Nice description. Good luck with the release and Scar looks great.
Thanks! I love the way they did his makeup. The woman doing it is absolutely fantastic. Her work on Timon is even more stunning, and every single one of the leads has something elaborate. I’ve been forbidden to show the close-up because my kid thinks it looks silly without the whole costume, LOL. It doesn’t—it looks amazing.
“As long as everyone was on the same page with what they wanted, the particulars of hes or shes or theys were only as important to him as they were to his partners.” = Favorite Line 🙂 I like Adam already, and can certainly see why he’s falling for AJ!
Ha! It’s funny, Adam wasn’t my character. I “borrowed” him from a friend who asked me to give him his own story. I wasn’t sure I liked him—he’s a bit full of himself. But when I started seeing him as being open-minded and sex positive, I realized all he really needed was to grow up a little. He’s actually pretty cool.
Great description. I don’t blame him for being interested.
LOL, yeah, it’s not surprising. 🙂
Great description!
Yep. Those two are worth getting to know… liked this a lot.