Happy Saturday! I know it’s been a rough week for a lot of us. I hope everyone is hanging in there.
This is probably my last snippet of An Act of Devotion, since my book tour ends tomorrow. Next week, I’ll be on vacation—family trip to Cedar Point in Ohio! First trip we’ve taken together in years that wasn’t just to visit family. Obviously I will be a bit busy. After that, I have other things to post snippets from, so stay tuned.
This section requires a tiny bit of explanation. Both AJ and Adam are graduate students working for the college. I did this job when I was a grad student, so much of what happens is based on personal experience. In this section, AJ is talking to his co-graduate assistant. The class she’s taking—and the requirements—was a real one I took. We had to plan and carry out a program in one of the dorms. And yes, we really did have beer goggles, condoms, and an anatomical model for the demonstration. 10 points for Gryffindor if you catch what the name refers to.
Carrie appeared in the doorway. “My curriculum development professor is having us run a mini program in the residence halls to practice before the health fair. We took a class survey, and most of us wanted to do it on alcohol consumption. We’re using the mocktails as a jumping off point.” She stepped past AJ and into the stock room.“Do you need other stuff, too?” he asked. “There’s a bunch of good materials.”
Carrie emerged with the laminated cards in hand. “For the fair, yeah. I’ll want the beer glasses and the dick model.”
AJ snickered. “I should find the guy I gave the glow-condoms to. He didn’t want them after all. You could use them for the demonstration instead of wasting decent ones.”
“Oh, those are the worst!” Carrie said then clapped a hand over her mouth. She slowly lowered her fingers. “Not that I would know, of course.”
“Of course,” AJ said. “They’d be fine for the demo, though. I doubt Drive Shaft cares what you put on him.”
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!

Glow ones! They were glow ones! *cracks up laughing* For some reason that has really hit my funny bone. The images that brought to mind! If only I were a better artist.
LOL! Yeah, it definitely calls up an interesting mental picture. 😀
Good snippet! 😀 Every time I come across glowing condoms, it makes me think of that scene from the John Ritter movie (yes, I am auld) Skin Deep…
Ha! Oh, that’s funny. All I can think of is that French cell phone ad that everyone thought was an ad for condoms.
Hahaha! Fun snippet!
I don’t deserve the 10 points, because I had to look up the name. 🙁
It’s okay. I figure lots of people won’t. I crowd-sourced for the name, even though this is the only scene it’s mentioned in.
LOL sounds like a wonderful time!
You and I have similar plans. ? Great snippet, I look forward to reading this part in the actual book. ? The name ‘Carrie’ makes me think of the Stephen King classic (actually my name is pronounced the same way), but I’m guessing that’s not what you’re referencing. 🙂
The glowing kind…this is very funny.
Not that she would know? Um… uh-huh.
This sounds like an interesting… project.