Happy Wednesday! I’m three days into parenting a teenager, and it feels remarkably like parenting him when he was still twelve. 🙂 Actually, I’m very proud of my big kid. Up next: My daughter turns 11 on Saturday! She’s getting her first phone, and boy is she excited that she can now text us the way her brother can. I think I feel pretty special that the kids are as excited to message us as they are to message their friends. I have always loved and liked my kids, but as they grow, it feels like our relationship is stretching and growing too, in good ways. I really am lucky to have them.
Enough sappiness; time for the WIPpet. Here’s a little more about Izzy. I decided to post this little bit first, but next week I’ll share a moment with his moms. (Side note: While many marathons can be entered just because you want to, with the Boston you have to qualify based on a previous marathon time.)
WIPmath: 10 sentences for the 10th.
When Izzy finally returned home after his shift, he made a beeline for the shower, half-stripping on his way and throwing everything into the hallway hamper. He adjusted the water and stepped under the spray, not muffling a drawn-out groan of relief as the spray hit his back. He thought thirty-six was far too young for his body to protest like this after every shift, desperately needing the hot water and the pounding of the massage setting on the shower head to quell the spasms in his lower back.
It had been happening all too frequently lately, both in his back and legs, and it bothered him. Not enough to have it looked at, but enough that he decided he had to get into better shape. He’d qualified for the Boston marathon and had signed up the day registration opened, and he needed to keep himself fit. He figured all the stiffness was his body’s way of saying he hadn’t run enough lately. It was true; he’d been working so many hours and had become a regular at Switch Hitter over the summer as well. He sighed at the thought of having to go back to being an occasional performer.
If he didn’t whip his body back into shape, he wouldn’t be able to dance in those heels, and even more than running the marathon, he couldn’t bear the thought of giving up his night life.
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Witt for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!

” I have always loved and liked my kids, but as they grow, it feels like our relationship is stretching and growing too, in good ways. I really am lucky to have them.”
This. So very much this! <3
I am almost 8 weeks into my last year of parenting a pre-teen. Next July, I'll have a pair of teens, and be only weeks from having a child old enough to legally DRIVE!
I have a feeling Izzy should have those spasms looked at. And soon.
Yes, one thing I’ve noticed over the years is that while I’m not here to be my kids’ pal, I do *like* them. It’s more than just the love I have as their mom. I like hearing them talk about what they think of the world around them, their interests, the things happening in their lives. I don’t mind having them grow up because these good changes come along with them growing out of being tiny. I loved them at every age, but I don’t feel nostalgic for what we used to have when what we have now is so good.
Izzy really does need to get himself checked out, but he’s not great about it when deep down he knows it might not be good news.
Methinks those spasms aren’t your normal run of the mill I need to take a break spasms.
I look forward to when Boyo is older. He’s pretty fun right now, but I hope he’s as cool as your kiddos are 🙂
Definitely not your average spasms, nope.
It’s funny, I always said as my kids grew, “I think this is my favorite age so far!” LOL. I finally figured out that it was my “favorite” because at each stage, there’s always something new to discover about them. It’s been fun!
Oh, Izzy…. definitely have some very bad feelings here about what the news might be.
And… though the Boodle just turned ten this year, I get what you say. I mean, I do have some moments of fond memories from when he was little, but I don’t “need” to go back to those. I find that looking toward the future is just as happy and exciting… even if the future is just tomorrow or this morning. 😀
Fortunately, it’s not life-threatening, as long as he stops being stubborn and goes to get checked out. (But that’s all I’ll say!)
Yes, it’s the fact that I can look at the great memories of their younger years without feeling like I must have them back. I love looking at old pictures *with* them and remembering cool stuff they did. More often than not, it leads us to, “And this year will be fun because…”
‘He thought thirty-six was far too young for his body to protest like this after every shift’ – I’m only *not quite* 32 and I feel this, though it’s my knees. Hopefully Izzy gets it taken care of, but I have a feeling it won’t be that easy.
It definitely won’t be so easy for him. I had a sad moment recently when I was sitting on the floor and discovered I had a hard time getting up! I used to be so flexible I could sit cross-legged on the floor when I was 9 months pregnant. Pretty sure I couldn’t do that now!
It sounds like something is wrong with his body. Is he so out of shape that he has that much pain. Maybe ignoring the aches are not good at all.
Shalom aleichem,
He’s in very good shape, but he’s in denial that there’s anything more serious wrong than not running as much as he had been. He definitely shouldn’t be ignoring anything.
I have a bad feeling that this isn’t just a fitness issue, that there’s a bigger underlying thing that’s going to throw spanners in the works of Izzy’s life.
Spot on. It’s definitely not a fitness issue, not for someone in as good shape as Izzy has been most of his life.
Ah, that’ll teach me for missing a week, lol. I read this after reading the next one, so… Uh oh!
And happy birthday to both of your not-so-little-uns. 🙂
Yeah, Izzy’s in for some not so nice surprises.
I will pass along the post-birthday wishes. 🙂 They both seem to have decided this week that I no longer know things, LOL. My son just tried to explain to me how to do a Google search.
LOL. Ah, the wonders of adolescence. 😀