Week one of school down, and the kids have already had the first info meeting for the middle school musical. They’ll be doing Elf Jr., which should be a lot of fun. Meanwhile, we start bell choir practice tonight and music lessons Friday. I know it sounds like we’re very busy—and we are!—but most of what we do is only a short part of each day, and a lot of it (like bells) is volunteer stuff. The fun of being involved in the arts.
On to the WIPpet. Nate continues his pattern of poor decision-making, helped along by circumstances. Here, he reconnects with an old acquaintance.
WIPmath: 9/14 = 14 – 9 = 5 paragraphs
Dating apps had never appealed, mainly because Nate wasn’t generally interested in hooking up, but Del had assured him he knew a number of people who had found a long-term match that way. Maybe Nate could locate someone who was bored on his lunch hour and wanted a cup of coffee and some casual conversation. He was about to open an app when a shadow fell across him. He looked up, shielding his eyes. A well-dressed man carrying a briefcase was on his way up the steps.
Their eyes met, and recognition struck both of them almost simultaneously—Nate saw his own realization reflected in the other man’s face. His mouth dropped open, and he scrambled to stand up.
“Nate?” The man gaped at him. “Nate Kingsley?”
“R-Rocco Alessi,” Nate answered.
His heart sped up at the sight of his high school boyfriend. Rocco at twenty-four was even more strikingly handsome than Nate had remembered him at eighteen. A tsunami of memories, good and bad, hit him. Rocco had been his first everything—first official boyfriend, first sex, first “I love you,” first person to smash his heart into smithereens. Even now, years later, he had the ability to turn Nate into a pile of awestruck goo with a single glance while simultaneously causing him to ache with dashed hope.
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Witt for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!

Oh, Nate. All those mixed-up feelings. I love it 😀
Poor Nate. He seems destined to not get his life in order. Is he programmed to keep getting hurt? I hope eventually that he does find himself and true happiness.
Excellent snippet. It also causes a person to think about his or her own bad decisions.
Glad you got through the first week of school. Hope all remains calm.
Shalom aleichem,