Happy Wednesday! It’s cold and cloudy here. I’m cuddled up with a blanket and a dog, tying up loose ends on some editing jobs and a couple of book reviews. I can’t believe it’s less than a week until Walking by Faith releases! If you’re into free stuff, you can stop by my blog next week for details on the launch week giveaway.
On to the WIPpet. Since Nightsong is done, I’m going to post bits from my (several) other WIPs. I currently have 4: Keeping the Faith (the last part of Micah & Cat’s series); Drumbeat (part 3 of Notes from Boston—Jamie’s story); an untitled YA; and Leaps of Faith (a series of shorts about Cat & Micah). I also have 2 in back burner/planning stages: an untitled F/F and Tree of Life (about one of the side characters from An Act of Devotion). I’m a NaNoWriMo Rebel this year, as the plan is to write some in each of the 4 current WIPs each day. I even have a spreadsheet!
For today, I chose a bit from Keeping the Faith. I did have to take out the spoilery bits. This is from the very beginning. I’m fairly sure people could take a guess at what I’m not saying, but I wasn’t going to spell it out so close to the release of WbF.
WIPmath: 26th = 6/2 = 3 paragraphs for the year.
Thunk. The last of the items for donation landed in the bin, and Micah snapped the lid on. He dragged the bin to the door and left it. For a moment, he stood there staring at it, hands on hips and lips pressed into a thin line. He was proud of himself; not usually one for getting rid of things, he’d managed to successfully clean out nearly three years’ worth of junk in a single weekend without any help.
He stepped away from the bin and retreated to the back of the house. There was only one more room, and it was the one he didn’t want to think about. There wasn’t much in there anyway, other than a bed, a desk, and some empty shelves. He’d cleared most of it out as soon as possible.
For the most part, Micah had thrown out or donated everything he could. There were a few things, though, he hadn’t wanted to let go of. Everything else was gone. Micah stepped inside once more, hoping this time he’d be able to give away or toss those last few items. After all, what good were twenty-six pairs of shoes two sizes too small for him? He stopped before he reached the closet and sat down on the bed. It would probably be easier to go through the sex toys than the other items. He reevaluated donating them. Concordia was a progressive, queer-friendly town; maybe the local Goodwill would take them after all.
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Witt for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!

Sex toys, free to good home. 😀
This is me pretending not to be in least concerned by what you’re not saying. 😉
How mad at me are you right now? LOL.
This is why I need to hurry up and finish the short stories first. I want to do something with them (not sure what yet) before…well, yeah. Before. (KtF is due out next November.)
Um, well…not mad as such, but… *shakes fist at sky and wails ‘why, oh, why, oh, why…’*
Are you approaching it the same way you did in WbF? I need to figure out the logistics of Kleenex storage. 😉
Well, it won’t be organized like Cat’s rosary, no. Micah is doing volunteer work and donating some supplies. While getting to know a couple of the other volunteers (and that’s all I’m saying about them right now), he tells them what happened.
I’m guessing a good supply of tissues is in order, yes. But hopefully not enough for every chapter, LOL.
In Fair condition? lol
Hahahahahaha! I like to think he took better care of them than that.
Oh, I think this one is going to have me emotional.
If I do it right, then yes. It will.