It’s been a busy week here. Maybe yours has been too. I’m wrapping it up with the highlights from my blog.
Tuesday, I re-released my short story, Pink in the Mirror. Formerly published with Torquere, it’s now all on its own.
Purchase links:
Amazon | Kobo | Scribd | Inktera | iTunes | Barnes & Noble
Wednesday, I offered a snippet of one of my current works-in-progress. The giveaway for Pink in the Mirror is now closed, but you can still read the post.
Thursday, I announced an open call for guest posts and reviews, whether by name or anonymous.
I’ve also done some re-organizing of my blog. You can find the quick links for everything here.
On Saturday, I’ll be back to sharing from my various LGBTQIA-themed work for Rainbow Snippets. You can read past entries here.
Next week, I’ll be resuming reviews and sharing about what I’ve been reading this week. You can see previous posts here or use the form to request a review. FYI, I no longer review much romance or erotica unless it’s atypical of the genres. But hopefully other readers will submit their reviews of those.
Have a great weekend, all!