Happy Wednesday! One dance recital down, one to go. It’s testing week, so the kids have exams. It’s hard to believe they’ll be out for the summer next week. I’m ready…I think.
It’s been wild the last few days, dealing with a situation involving one of my daughter’s classes. Overall, we love their school, but occasionally something like this crops up. For that reason, it’s been a little hard to focus. Still, I’ve managed to do a little bit in between.
I’ve been posting bits from my various short stories/flash fiction about Cat and Micah. I’m hoping to have them all finished and ready to go in mid-July, but we’ll see. Today’s bit is from yet another part of the series of flash fiction on the theme of “I brought you something.” These are 5 very short pieces in which Micah has a gift for Cat. This one ended up in a different place than I thought it would.
LR glanced at the book in Micah’s hand. “‘Dave and Brad’s Steamy Seaside Summer.’” She snorted. “It’s not one of yours, is it?”
“No, of course not!” Despite the grim circumstances, Micah chuckled. “I picked it up in town.”
“It does look like the sort of thing he’d like.”
They both fell silent and looked at Cat. He’d always been an avid reader, enjoying a wide range of books. His favorites, though, had been the cheesiest romance novels with the most contrived plots and a lot of—often badly-written—sex. Micah had never been able to figure out why.
LR had told him once that when they were in their teens, Cat had kept a stash of books under his mattress. He would buy them from the used bookstore and dog-ear what he called “the good parts.” When he was done with them, he would pass them along to LR, mainly to see her reactions.
She took Dave and Brad from Micah and flipped it over. Micah didn’t even know what the book was about. He’d chosen it because the cover was so awful. He figured it had to be good with two naked men, made modest by adding shells and badly edited onto a beach background. The scrolling font was a bonus.
LR laughed. “This is the worst. He’ll love—” She stopped herself. After an uncomfortable pause, she said, “Did I ever tell you about the first time he brought home a gay romance?”
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Witt for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!

That sounds like every ‘one of those’ covers, ever. 😀
This is so bittersweet, or not that mix, but…
LOL! I modified this one: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Z+IB09BtL.jpg
The rest of this ended up yet again somewhere other than where I’d intended when I began it. These were all supposed to be sort of fluffy, a bit on the lighter side like last week’s. Didn’t quite go according to plan.
I love the way you describe the books Cat reads. So witty!
Ha! I enjoy doing that far too much. Comes from all the crappy books I’ve had to endure.
Oh my goodness, that book sounds equal parts hilarious and hideous.
I am well-versed in even the smallest pieces of fiction ending up somewhere very different to where you intend. Good luck with the finishing touches.
I’m going with the book having been an intentional parody, but I wouldn’t know. I don’t tend to read those types of books.
Thank you! I will be working more on it as soon as I’m done with my editing job, so we’ll see where it goes.
Oh, wow. That book might be good to read just for the laugh and probably eye-rolls. 😀
LOL! I’m assuming that’s the real reason Cat reads those sorts, but he’s kept a few things a mystery even from me.
Funny how where our stories start, no matter our intentions, ends up being different than where they finish. Best intentions thwarted by determined characters. Love the cover description too. I can see it… think I see it most every day on Twitter and it always provokes an eye roll on my part.
Yes, those pesky characters always wanting their way.
I’ve seen that cover too, LOL. And sprained an eyeball from the rolling.
This excerpt made me smile 🙂
Now I am curious what happened when Cat first brought a gay romance book home. And why did LR stop what she was saying?
Looking forward to more WIPpet Wednesday’s 🙂
Aw, thanks! 🙂 The scene where Cat brings the gay romance home is actually in another book, in his POV. 🙂