Happy Saturday! It’s officially summer vacation. Yay! I had my moment of sentimentality at my older child finishing middle school. I can hardly believe I’ll have a high schooler in the fall. He’ll be at the same building (it’s grades 6-12), but there’s still something about it that feels like a big deal.
Today’s snippet is still from Nightsong, but I think I’ve teased everyone enough. Time for Izzy and Nate to meet. Well, sort of—this is the setup. They’re both performing in a fundraiser at their favorite LGBTQ+ bar, Grand Slam. Izzy’s a drag queen, and this is in his POV. The others mentioned here are: Brunhilde the Great (the emcee), Nate (the “gorgeous baritone”), and his roommates, Jamie (the “tiny wisp”) and Mack (“a lot of tattoos”).
There was a bit of fumbling and several exchanges of “excuse me” in the doorway while Brunhilde exited and three other people came in. Izzy sucked in a breath when he saw them. One was the gorgeous baritone he’d seen the last time he performed as TaTa. Up close, the man appeared considerably younger than Izzy had thought when watching him from the stage. The second was a tiny wisp of a man so attractive it almost set Izzy’s teeth on edge. He wasn’t really Izzy’s type, but he had the polished shine of someone who could have been paid for his good looks. Behind them traipsed a third man with dark hair and a lot of tattoos.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!

Interesting cast of characters!
Heh, well they are all performing artists. That definitely makes for a colorful cast!
*shuffles closer* I appear to have missed/forgotten Mack had tatts. I may have to reassess my opinion of him. 😀 I love Izzy’s descriptions of the guys. It’s a bit like: ‘Who?’ ‘The gorgeous baritone.’ ‘The gorg—oh, you mean Nate? Yeah, he’s pretty hot, huh?’ 😀
I’m not sure I mentioned Mack’s tats before this scene. It’s funny, I always kind of reject the “this book is full of hot people” thing because, well, most people don’t look like movie stars (and I don’t find movie stars all that attractive). But it’s in the eye of the beholder, right? Izzy thinks Nate is gorgeous, and Nate loves both Izzy’s beard and his drag persona. Cian loves Jamie’s piercings, and Jamie likes that Cian’s not a slender, reedy dancer (even if they’re not ready to admit it to each other). Trevor’s on the chunky side, but Andre calls that “curvy” and thinks he’s hot. Andre’s a bit nerdy, but Trevor thinks he’s dreamy. All of those are things people might or might not like, or might like on a specific person but not on everyone. Personally, I just find most people fascinating and beautiful. Though I’ll admit I do like tattoos and piercings quite a lot!
Lovely descriptions! ?
Thank you!
A gorgeous baritone, a tiny wisp, and a tatted man walk into a bar and…. oh, do tell! I like the description here.
Hahaha! Yeah, that’s actually about right. And thank you!
Intriguing description of this trio!
Thank you! 🙂
Some interesting characters there! 🙂
Oh, they definitely are.
Oh, quite the cast of characters for him to ogle. Fun snippet, A.M. 🙂
LOL, yeah, though I think he only wants to ogle one of them.
This sounds fascinating. I love how different they all are.
It was fun to write them from an “outsider” perspective.
Great description of each character!
They sound like an interesting bunch of characters.