Happy Saturday! Our week has been filled with yet more auditions. The joys of having a family in performing arts. Not too much different from families with athletes, really. Older Child had a callback, but it’s anyone’s guess if he’ll have a role or be part of the ensemble. (A callback guarantees a spot in the core vocal ensemble, but not necessarily a speaking part. No callback usually means a spot in the general ensemble, core vocals if you’re really good. They rarely turn anyone down who wants to be in the show.)
I can hardly believe that my next novel, Keeping the Faith, will be out on Wednesday! You can preorder it here, and I’m happy to offer copies in exchange for an honest review. This is the last part of the Faithfully Yours series (*sniff*), so if you’re reviewing, you’ll at least want to have read the anthology, Leaps of Faith. It’s not really meant as a standalone.
Last time, I made everyone sad. This time, with the very last snippet from Leaps of Faith, I hope to be more uplifting. I think you’ll forgive me for going over the sentence limit under the circumstances.
Cat hesitated; hospitals were not good places for him. He’d been in and out of them enough in his thirty-two years to know they mostly held two kinds of news: bad and worse. In his head, Cat knew LR wasn’t there for any of the bad reasons, and surely someone would have told them if she’d had complications. Micah nudged him and took his hand. Cat squeezed, reassured and relieved he didn’t have to explain his reluctance.
The whole ride up, Cat bounced on the balls of his feet. Once or twice, Micah eyed him, but his amusement was part of his own excitement. The doors opened, and it took everything in Cat not to rush down the hallway.
They followed Cat’s mother to a room at the end of the corridor. She pushed open the door, and Cat went in first. He set the bag down on the bedside table and leaned in to kiss his sister on the cheek. She was his top priority, but only by a small margin compared to the sleeping bundle in her arms.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!

Intrig… bahahaha.
Seriously, I love Micah in this. It’s fun to see the sort-of role reversal.
*giggle* *snort*
Yes, this one was fun. I got to draw out a bit of Cat’s very…feline behavior and let Micah both enjoy it and counter it.
Love seeing Micah as the more sedate of the pair. Cute scene.
Thank you! Heh, yeah, Micah’s definitely not usually in this role, so it was fun to flip it.
Cat is so beautifully detailed, so vibrant, so alive…I know he’s fictional, but I’m still feeling a bit stunned at his fate. And yet that’s very realistic…I’ve lost track of the number of people who were once vibrant and alive, who shocked me with their deaths. ;_;
I had mentioned this elsewhere today, but it’s the anniversary of my brother-in-law’s passing. He was, in a roundabout way, the inspiration for Cat. And like Cat, his death was both surprising and not. There are a lot of layers to the how and why of the story. I wrote the last novel in the series to give closure and the longed-for HEA, even after such sorrow. But…I miss Cat, really.
Love the interplay between them and the happy last scene.
Oh, this was lovely.
Aw, that last line was a relief!
😀 Yep, I wanted to leave this one on a happy note.
I like that Micah can tell without asking and comfort without making a fuss. That’s not common.
Micah shares that particular wonderful trait with my own spouse a lot of the time. 🙂
I love the dynamic between them here.