Happy Wednesday! It’s been a bit of a rough week, but I’m hanging in there. Finished an editing job and started another. And it’s tech week for the school show! Any local friends, feel free to come on out to see High School Musical this weekend.
I didn’t get as much written as I’d have liked over the week, and I utterly failed to finish edits on Drumbeat. But I did get some done. I only worked on Minuet, finishing a couple of chapters last week.
Today’s snippet continues right from last week’s. I’m staying with Minuet because Mack’s being more talkative right now. As a refresher, Mack and his friend-with-benefits Amelia have gone to see Sage. Mack (and probably everyone who has been keeping up with the stories so far) would really, really like to punch Sage, but Amelia said not to. Here’s Sage’s reaction. Fair warning: Mack is sweary. (Edited to remove spoilers.)
WIPmath: 11/15/2017 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6 paragraphs.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Sage folded his arms.
“To your continued stalking of Jamie, you sick fuck,” Mack spat. He leaned forward far enough that Amelia tightened her grip on his shirt.
“That’s a good one. Listen, I have company, so you can come back later.” Sage went to shut the door.
Mack stuck out his foot, blocking it. “Not until we get this settled. Don’t you dare fucking lie to me, Sage. Did you know Jamie’s real messed up because of you? It’s not some game.” The way Jamie had looked the last time Mack saw him, blacked out on his bed, came to mind. At least a third of Mack’s rage wasn’t directed at Sage; it was aimed at himself. He’d seen the signs, but he’d ignored them. Mack wasn’t going to stand by and let a menace like Sage destroy a man Mack thought of as a brother.
“And how do you think I feel?” Sage, being Sage. Another non-shocker. “He’s the one who left me, not the other way around. Eight years, and you’d think he could at least talk it through first.”
“Eight years of you fucking with him,” Mack growled. “Don’t even try it, you asshole. Every one of us saw what you did.”
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Wrayburn for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!

OMG. Lemme at him! But isn’t that proof positive of an abuser gaslighting. ‘He’s the one who left me…’
Goodness, my hair is all prickly! Good job! 🙂
I am seriously plotting for Sage to get what’s coming to him. I’m relying on Amelia to tell me what that is, though! She’s got to be the one to do it, for a lot of reasons.
So the gaslighting…that specific thing, “He’s the one who left me,” is a thing that was said to me by someone’s ex. In that case, the person came over to my house to say it, not the other way round. The worst part is how calm and reasonable he sounded the whole time, as though he was presenting a rational POV. It would’ve been so easy to believe him if I hadn’t known the truth ahead of time.
Frightening. It’s easy to see how these people get away with it for so long.
Someone seriously needs to punch Sage in the throat. or anywhere else. Great snippet.
Sorry to hear you’re having a rough week. Hope it gets better.
I may have to let someone at him eventually. But I think more likely revenge will come in a less physical way.
I wanna strangle Sage, but I’ll leave it to Amelia to tell you what happens. I’m certain it will be most appropriate.
She claims she has some dirt on him, but so far, she hasn’t let me know what that is. I’ll keep you all posted.
Great snippet! Really really hoping that Sage will get what he deserves one day. That is great of Mack to try to avenge Jamie, despite Amelia stepping in.
I am curious when this story takes place in relation to Drumbeat?
Thanks! Mack wants to be the hero, but he’s going to have to learn he can’t always swoop in and save the day.
This story takes place toward the end of Drumbeat. In this series, I’ve generally picked up where the previous one left off, except this one. The beginning overlaps with the last few chapters of Drumbeat, and the novel ends with a fast-forward epilogue.
Ooh… haven’t been following close, but I remember Jaime from some other WIPpets, and from what I remember, he’s a very sensitive soul easily led and played with.Sad to say, perfect prey for someone like Sage seems to be.
Will have to look back a bit and see what you posted, AM
Yep, that’s about right. Jamie’s definitely a gentle, sensitive person, and Sage took advantage.
Most of the previous snippets should be tagged as Notes from Boston, so you can see them if you click the tag.
Wow… Sage is a POS for sure. I think I am going to like Amelia when she solves the problem.
Mack is a gentleman! 🙂
Sage is awful. But Amelia is awesome, and I love writing about her. Mack has his moments. 😉
asdlkjafdlkasjdlkads, dude, you do not get to make yourself the victim here. I can’t wait for him to get his comeuppance. He elicits actual rage from me.
Oh, yeah. He is alllll about trying to make himself the victim. I don’t think he’ll like it much when he really is at the mercy of someone else.
Looks like Sage needs a time out and to be locked in the cat carrier…oh, wait, your Sage probably won’t fit inside. (wry grin)
Ha! My Sage would probably like that…he’d get to complain about how put upon he is.