Happy Wednesday! I think the dust has settled from the school musical and vacation. Life is back to normal, whatever that means.
I made a decision this week to stop accepting requests for book reviews. I’ll still review stuff I’m reading, but it’s felt a lot lately like one more thing I can’t quite manage or keep up with. If you’re interested in reading about why, I posted yesterday.
Meanwhile, I’m still working on Mack’s story. Amelia hasn’t shared with me whatever dirt she has on Sage, but I guess she’ll talk when I’m writing in her POV. I’m taking a different approach with this novel. Instead of alternating POV, it’s divided into sections, each in a different POV (Mack’s, Amelia’s, and Jomari’s—I haven’t introduced him yet).
Sticking with the scene I’ve been posting from, last time, I ended with this:
Sage laughed. He eyed her up and down, making Mack’s blood boil. “Oh, sweetie. What are you going to do if I don’t?”
This week, Amelia makes herself perfectly clear to Sage.
WIPmath: 11/29/2017 = 2 x 9 = 18 sentences
“Not a damn thing. But Jamie’s got friends now, see, and they’re not as nice as I am. You ever see his buddy Nate?” She raised her hand as high as she could reach. “He’s ’bout six-five and built like a football player.”
Mack wisely didn’t laugh. Nate was hardly the type to take anyone out. He was intimidating on first sight, though. Amelia had exaggerated by a couple inches, but Nate was a giant compared to Jamie.
“You do anything, and I’ll call the cops myself.” Sage tried to stare Amelia down.
“Not saying he’ll put a hand on you,” she replied. Still calm, still focused. “I’m saying we know what you’re capable of. You’ll hurt Jamie and then claim you never touched him. And I’m saying you’re gonna regret that. You’re not the only one who knows things that may or may not be used against you. Are we clear?”
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Wrayburn for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!

Go Amelia! Nate, though. ROFL. Much as I adore him, he doesn’t strike me as the physical type. But I’m sure he could do a fair bit of damage to Sage via social networking.
Ha! I hadn’t even thought of that. Because yeah, Nate’s not really the physical sort. Izzy would be a lot more likely to do bodily harm, but he won’t. Trevor’s too clueless, and Andre doesn’t really have it in him either. Cian could probably do some serious damage, but I suspect he’d be wary of Jamie’s reaction.
Huh…I wonder what would happen if Amelia and Nate put their heads together.
Go Amelia! 😀 I definitely think I like her.
I love her, but I’m a bit biased! 😉
I feel a strong urge to glare at my cat, even though my Sage is completely innocent. Of this, not of head biting and sister baiting. (wry grin)
Ha! My cat has been on a tear lately too. She took a swipe at my face yesterday because I wouldn’t let her sit on my keyboard!
Human-Sage is trash, and he’s probably not above head biting and/or sister baiting in addition to his other crimes.
It’s funny how antagonistic Sage gets, fretting about physical violence… he just doesn’t seem to get that there can be worse things than being hit. 🙁
Yes, he’s convinced that as long as he’s not hitting, then he can claim there’s “fault on both sides.”
Amelia! Vague threats and with clear intentions. Love it!
LOL, well, she’s being vague because I have no idea what dirt she has on him yet. She hasn’t exactly said. Must be something pretty juicy, though.