Happy Wednesday! Today’s picture has nothing to do with my snippet. It’s my daughter’s latest drawing.
It’s been a busy few weeks with all the holiday performances. My concerts last weekend went well, as did my older child’s recital a couple days ago. Both kids have school concerts next week, and they’re both working on music for the Christmas Eve service at church. Here is a link to the video from Monday night’s recital. I’m having a Proud Mom moment.
Today’s snippet is still from Minuet and follows right on from last week. Amelia has just called Mr. Muscles over to have a chat.
WIPmath: 12/13/2017 = (1 + 2) + (1 x 3) = 6 paragraphs
“You,” she said. “Are you his boyfriend, his personal trainer, or just a fuck toy?”
The man’s eyes popped. “Uh…”
“Good answer,” Amelia told him. “Listen, Sage here has kind of a problem with leaving his ex alone. Do us a favor and make sure he does the right thing, hm?”
Mr. Muscles looked sideways at Sage. “O-okay.”
Amelia reached up and patted his cheek. “You seem like a decent guy.” She pulled a paper and pen out of her purse and scrawled something on it. Handing it to Mr. Muscles, she said, “Here. My number, just in case you need some help enforcing the no-contacting-your-ex rule.” She turned back to Sage. “You think long and hard”—she giggled; Mr. Muscles snorted—“about what I said. And stay the hell away from Jamie.”
She whirled around, grabbed Mack’s hand, and yanked. Too startled to do anything else, Mack followed her. He heard the click of the door and angry voices on the other side. With a quick glance back, Amelia took off down the stairs.
Like what you read? Be sure to check out the other entries and add your own. Just post a bit of your WIP, connect it to the date, and link up with us. Many thanks to Emily Wrayburn for giving us this space. Happy reading and writing!

This is such a fabulous post! All kinds of entertaining. 🙂
I LOVE that drawing, and the duet is wonderful.
And the snippet, of course, is awesome. I think I rather like Mr. Muscles. I wonder what he’ll do. Go, Amelia!
Plus, snow. 😀
Thank you! I’ve heard my kid play before, of course, but usually only practicing muffled behind his closed door. He’s played solos with the school bands, too, but this is different. The other musician is his teacher, and I can’t say enough good things about him. He’s just fantastic.
The drawing was apparently done during a study hall. She’s got a free/study period in an art classroom, and they’re allowed to use any of the supplies as long as they’re quietly working.
Mr. Muscles ought to dump Sage on his rear end and find someone who treats him better. I suppose I can add him to my list of “people who probably deserve a story at some point.”
Such talented kids. 🙂 You’re right to be a proud mom.
And I wouldn’t turn my nose up at a Mr. Muscles story. 😉
Aw, thanks!
I think a Mr. Muscles story could work. Maybe “expectations vs. reality,” as he’s not quite the type of guy I usually write about. 🙂
Love the drawing! 🙂
And I’m still loving Amelia. 😀
Thank you! 🙂
I love her too. I’m still writing in Mack’s POV, but I can’t wait until I switch to writing in hers. That’ll be fun.
Awww! Thanks so much for the video, the music, the picture and the story!
You’re very welcome! 🙂
Your children are multi-talented, just like I think you are, AM Leibowitz. And I love Amelia in this post. I adore her attitude and her bluntness. I cheered all the way through this WIPpet.
Thank you! 🙂 It’s been so much fun watching them grow in their abilities.
I’ve been enjoying writing about Amelia. Sometimes I hear people say they don’t like to write about women because of societal norms and gender roles or expectations. But I don’t see why we need to be restricted by those. I chose to write a woman who not only speaks her mind and stands up for her friends, but the men in her life love her all the more for it. Wish fulfillment? Maybe. But I know an awful lot of men who prefer women like this.
I love how Amelia just … does. No flim-flamming. She says what she intends, does it and then just leaves others to deal.
What a pretty goldfinch! (At least that’s what the bird looks like to me.) Your daughter has very steady hands.
Nice performance too. I know all about those “Proud Mom” moments. They’re just so cool! Hopefully your son knows exactly how great he did (so he’ll want to do it again).
That definitely describes Amelia.
My daughter is drawing a lot of birds lately, trying out having them in different poses, as she calls it. She does indeed have a steady hand. She likes to work for a long time on one type of thing and then move on to the next.
My son has a very interesting view of performing. He thinks of it in terms of how much fun he’s having rather than how well he’s playing. But the more fun he’s having, the better he plays! He has a concert tonight, both singing and playing. It’ll be fun to watch.