Today I’m pleased to welcome two new-to-me co-authors, Dani Hermit and Nevi Star. After our email exchanges and their interview, I can say I’d love to hang out over tea (or cocoa or coffee or whatever) in person, not just virtually.
Since you’re both new to me, I’ll start by asking about your work. What do you wish people knew about your books or characters?
One of the main things we wish we could convey is that in the middle of all of the dark, adventurous, crazy things happening in our books, they are love stories at their core. The love stories that are playing out with these imperfect characters are our favorite part of what we write. Since we don’t follow the generally accepted romance genre format of one couple getting a happily ever after (or even just a happy for now) stand alone story, we don’t really fit into that genre.
We have an ensemble cast made up of a wide variety of characters who are falling in and out of love, being chased by monsters, discovering that they are monsters, all on the path to finding their soul mates. But it’s happening at the same time. There are probably ten love stories playing out in the first books of the Parliament of Twilight series, with several more in upcoming episodes. But each couple, each pairing are part of the larger world and their love affects the larger narrative. Whether they are messing it up, getting it right, or still looking for Mr. Right.
That sounds amazing! An ensemble cast sounds like the characters could get a bit unruly (i.e., not listen to their creators!). How do you handle a story that doesn’t go as you planned?
Plans? What are plans? The story cares nothing for your plans!
We have an overall idea of where the Parliament is going and how we are going to get there. We know the ending. We have an idea of who is going to get us there. But the details along the way? The subtle shifts of power and control and loyalties? We’re discovering them as we go along. The characters seem to have a life of their own and, as authors, we do try and challenge and surprise each other. That can throw the narrative off into a whole new direction neither of us had planned. Imagine two Dungeon Masters trying to play without anyone else to torment. There’s no choice but to torment each other.
Ah, that definitely explains it. I’ll bet you really have to immerse yourself in the story. What helps you do that (music, visuals, etc.)?
We are huge on playlists. Music sometimes is the driving force behind the story. A single song heard at the right time can change a story arc. But we also have piles of art Nevi has done of the characters over the years. There are also long car rides that turn into us having discussions as the characters and praying we can remember some of it for later!
Oh, goodness, yes about having to remember your “car plotting” later. Okay, time for word sprints!
Do you have any pets?
Do roommates count? 😉 We have 2 lovely kitties who have overthrown our Instagram feed.
Do the people in your life know about your writing?
More than they ever wanted to.
What was the last thing you read?
Dani is just about to finish Heart of Steel by Meljean Brook and Nevi’s in the last chapters of Hexbreaker by Jordan L. Hawk.
Thank you for taking time out to chat here, and feel free to come back any time to tell us about new releases!
About the Book
Title: Parliament of Twilight: Episode 1
Date: February 25, 2015
Length: 55K words
Publisher: Hermit & Star Books
Categories: M/M, horror, paranormal, yaoi, shifters, vampires, erotic adventures, light BDSM, ghosts, demons
Additional Info: This is an on-going series purposefully developed and written in a style similar to a TV soap opera. The Episodes may have cliff hangers, unresolved story lines, and unanswered questions. They won’t all have Happily Ever After or even Happy For Now endings because the story isn’t done yet. The cast is an ensemble of (in the beginning) vaguely connected characters who move closer together and become even more entangled in each other’s lives as the series goes on.
This is the first installment of an on-going series that spans the genres of horror, scifi, humor, mystery, fantasy and many others with characters that run the gamut of sexuality and gender identity.
What do a TV ghost hunter, a fading Broadway icon, a CEO and his son, a bored assassin, and a whole host of other delightfully damaged and deranged characters have in common? The Parliament of Twilight binds them all from the shadows.
The men of this deliciously Yaoi-inspired world fall in and out of love nearly as much as they fall in and out of danger. Steered from the shadows by the mysterious Parliament of Twilight, they must navigate nefarious plots, romantic entanglements, and mortal peril – everything from being attacked by monsters in the highlands of India to altercations with ex-lovers in liquor stores.
Purchase Links
Amazon US eBook | Amazon US paperback | Amazon AU | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Smashwords | GooglePlay
About the Author
One half of the writing duo behind the Parliament of Twilight books (and several briefly notorious YuGiOh fanfics), Dani Hermit also does cover design, crochets odd little creatures, reads Tarot, and plays a wicked good game of Cards Against Humanity.
She’s been romantically involved with her writing partner Nevi Star for nearly 18 years, though they have been telling stories together for over 2 decades. A mutual love of slash fanfiction and high fantasy novels lead to a love for each other that hasn’t faded through the years. Together they created the various incarnations of the characters who would one day emerge as the cast for the Parliament of Twilight.
When not fully emerged in the imaginary worlds they’ve created, Dani and Nevi spend their time absorbing books, anime, and reality TV. They live in a lovely little community in suburban Indiana with their pirate crew and a few cats.
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