Today I’m welcoming Nita Round to the blog to talk about life, writing, and her latest book. I know everyone could use more lesbian steampunk in their lives, so go grab this book (right after you read the fabulous interview, of course)!
Welcome! I’m always looking for great books that feature women who love women. Steampunk is just a bonus. What inspired you to write your latest story?
I don’t think it was one thing, but a number of things all coming together at the same time. First came the line, “Blood, blood everywhere,” which itself was as a result of a prompt in a writers group. I think we were invited to create an attention-grabbing first sentence. “Blood, blood everywhere” was mine, and it received so many comments I had to do more with it. It went from there, one line begat many more.
From there, I suppose the story should have been a thriller. Except for an old post-it note I found in a book. The note contained two words. Lucinda Ravensburgh, and once I’d reminded myself of this as yet unformed character, she took over.
Ha! Characters always seem to have a mind of their own, don’t they? That can be both good and bad. What do you find is the hardest part of writing, aside from taming the characters?
For me, the hardest part is the ending. I start with so little, and I make it all up as I go along. But the ending means I have to make a decision on how to draw it all together. Sometimes I can’t. Even when I do, I wonder if it works, and so indecision I suppose, is my killer.
Fortunately,I have two excellent beta readers who are more than happy to tell me when something doesn’t work. When it feelslike a drag, when nothing is working, I can always talk with my betas,and having someone to talk to, especially when they enjoy my work, is very motivating.
Good beta readers are like gold. What led you to write in your genre?
I started by writing short stories, but they were all erotic and after a while, I needed to move on. My heart belongs to speculative fiction, though, so stories will tend to veer back to the topics I love.
So far I have four books out and they are all different. The first, Knight’s Sacrifice, is dark urban fantasy, and I send my women to hell. The second, The Ghost of Emily Tapper, is a ghost story in the gothic tradition. The third, Fresh Start, is a contemporary romance and the fourth, Raven, Fire and Ice, is part of a post-apocalyptic steampunk series, A Touch of Truth. Plans are to have 4-5 books in the series, but we’ll see how it goes.
Wow! Well, my reading list just got a lot longer. I’m especially intrigued by the gothic ghost story.
Okay, ready for Word Sprints?
Plotter or pantser?
Coffee or tea?
Tea, a drop of skimmed milk, and no sugar.
What’s the best vacation spot?
Sahl Hasheesh Egypt, for snorkellingin the Red Sea.
Thanks for stopping by! Can’t wait to read this, and I hope you’ll join us again for future releases.
About the Book
Title: Raven, Fire and Ice (Touch of Truth #1)
Date: May 1, 2018
Publisher: Regal Crest Enterprises
Length: 80k words
Categories: FF SF/Steampunk/speculative fiction
Lucinda Ravensburgh sees the truth in everything she touches. When Captain Magda Stoner of the airship Verity, asks for her help in a very strange and messy crime, Lucinda cannot refuse. From that moment on, Lucinda’s life is changed forever. She discovers, no matter what the obstacle, nor the troubles they encounter, finding the truth is paramount.
Purchase Links
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
About the Author
Nita has been writing all of her life in one form or another, and she loves telling stories. Her head is full of them, and they all scream for her attention. Chosen as one of the winning entries in a short story competition, publication was the catalyst to write more, and now writes full time.
She loves being outdoors in the garden, or visiting sites of National heritage, but she also loves reading, cooking, gaming and no matter what, she always finds something to do. She lives in the heart of England with her wife of 22 years and their King Charles Cavalier, Rosie (also known as “Ya-bugger!)
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So happy to have discovered you! I’m adding your cover to my Steampunk Pinterest board and your book to my Want to Read list…:)
Cool. I must look over your pinterest page. I love some of the images around.