About the Book
Title: Knotted Legacy
Author: Brenda Murphy
Publisher: NineStar Press
Publication Date: September 10, 2018
Length: 65k
Genre: erotic romance
Category: F/F, F/F/F, contemporary romance, bdsm
Content note: contains depictions of hot wax play, blood play, rope play, collaring, kidnapping and forced captivity
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Martha McLeod, Head Mistress of Rowan House, Skye’s most exclusive pleasure house, is heartbroken.
Frustrated and lonely after a bitter split with her lover, she departs Rowan House for Lake Como, Italy to seek solace at the feet of Madam Givernay, keeper of Martha’s deepest secret. Lake Como and Madam’s attention is the perfect balm for Martha’s broken heart, until she meets Mistress Lucia Coruso.
Captivated by Lucia’s regal elegance and cool demeanor, Martha is torn between her desire for Lucia and the fear her secret will be revealed. When an extortionist threatens to destroy Rowan House, Martha and Lucia must join forces to save it.
Today we have Brenda Murphy here to talk about life, writing, and her new novel. Welcome! Let’s get right to it. How and why did you choose your genre?
I grew up reading everything, and when I was twelve a friend at school handed me a romance, and I was hooked. I liked that no matter what there would be a happy ending. As a young queer person finding any stories that featured queer characters with happy endings was difficult. When I finally found lesbian romance I read everything I could find. I want people like me to know you can have happy endings, no matter what life throws at you. I wanted to give back, and if even one person reads my work and feels seen, and hopeful that life can be good and they can have a happy ending I will have accomplished what I wanted to with my storytelling.
That’s a great goal, and I’m confident people are indeed feeling seen and hopeful. How else do you hope your writing influences other people?
I want my readers to have hope, to laugh, to cry, to blush, and ultimately enjoy the character’s growth through the story. I want them to know that no matter what they can have happy endings too. I hope that women 40 plus will see themselves and know that happy endings are not just for 20 somethings.
Oh, man. That really speaks to me as a 40-something, especially when it comes to queer lit. What else do you use to immerse yourself in the story (music, visuals, etc.)?
I find images/pictures or film clips that become my characters in my mind. After I’ve done the character work, I chose a theme song for each main character, one for the overall tome of the book and then make a playlist specific for that book. I listen to it every time I sit down to work, and it instantly gets me into the story, and the words flow.
Music is a really powerful tool. Okay, ready for some Word Sprints? Here we go! Plotter or pantser?
Plotser, my outline is more like a garden trellis or the shot list in an unscripted/improve film. Once I start writing the characters, take over, and I hold on for the ride.
Coffee or Tea?
It depends on my mood and accessibility. At home I drink tea most often.
As a kid, were you a Goody-Goody or a Wild Child?
A total Wild Child, still am. Been there done that, effed it up twice and have all the t-shirts.
About the Author
Brenda Murphy writes short fiction and novels. She loves tattoos and sideshows and yes, those are her monkeys. When she is not loitering at her local tea shop and writing, she wrangles two kids, one dog, and an unrepentant parrot. She reviews books, blogs about life as a writer with ADHD and publishes photographs on her blog Writing While Distracted. You can find her on Facebook by clicking here.
Knotted Legacy
Both Ends of the Whip
The Sum of the Whole
Dominique and other stories
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