Happy Saturday! We’re busy-busy as usual, or at least the kids are, but just fun stuff this time. They’re off in a bit to a birthday party.
Meanwhile, I’ve got some beta reading and some writerly housekeeping to take care of. It’s actually easy and fun, so I’m looking forward to it.
I don’t have any current or upcoming new releases. My next novel is due to the publisher in 6 weeks or so (yikes!), and it won’t be out until September. So instead, I’m taking a trip back in time to introduce various characters from my past novels. By the time the new book is out, I’ll have made the rounds of the series it’s part of.
Today, this is from my first novel, Lower Education. It’s loosely based on the tale of the Pied Piper. Meet Phin Patterson, an educational consultant who skirts the line of dubious ethics. He’s been hired by the State Education Department to stamp a small-town school with a big, red X using any means necessary. Too bad he doesn’t count on some very savvy townsfolk.
Before leaving his room, Phin glanced at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He smoothed his sandy blond hair, which he’d had cut and styled for the occasion, and gave himself a cheeky wink and a smirk. Surely he wouldn’t have any trouble finding someone to kiss up to. There was always someone willing to provide dirt on a coworker, even in a school, for the right price. He would also need to find something entertaining to make his stay worthwhile. With any luck, he could have that and a successful trip.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!

Is it bad that I really like Phin? 😀 So excited for Minuet!
LOL. I like Phin too. I struggled with that because he starts off so unethical, and I worried that if I made him too much of a jerk, people would wonder why on earth anyone would want to be around him!
Oh, my, he does have dubious ethics, doesn’t he? Although he’s optimistic in his way. (wry grin)
Ha! Yes, he remains optimistic…until something changes his mind. Don’t worry, he’ll mend his wicked ways.
Ha! Sounds like Phin has it all planned out. But will things pan out as he expects, is the question! 😁
I doubt things will be quite as easy as he expects.
Phin sounds like a cheeky character, I’m liking him.