About the Book
Author: L.D. Valentine
Language: English
Published: 10th April, 2020
Publisher: Beaten Track
Edition: 1
ISBN: Paperback 978-1-78645-375-4
eBook: 978-1-78645-376-1
Length: 105,300 words (approx.)
Category: Fiction
Genre: Young Adult, LGBT, Fantasy, POC
Series: Coven of Zora
When Xavier arrives home on the last day of school, he walks into a horrifying scene of his uncle being consumed by a demon. After being rescued by a vampire named Serea, he finds himself thrust into a dark reality as a fledgling witch. Now Xavier must chart a new life while within the confines of the mysterious organization known as Zora. Can Xavier and his fellow witches protect themselves and humanity from a plot that threatens their nation?
Purchase Links
Ebook Edition: £3.99 (€4.39 / $5.11) | Paperback Edition: £10.99 (€12.09 / $14.07) | Amazon | Smashwords | Barnes and Noble | Kobo
This is one of the most fun books I’ve had the pleasure of reading. For anyone who loves superheroes, comic books, and gaming, this is absolutely a must-read.
The first thing that delighted me was how many of my own favorite “nerdy” things are reflected in the story. I won’t spoil it, but I definitely picked out the hints and flavors of lots of good stuff. I’m a big fan of stories where people discover their powers and then use them for the good of the world, and this definitely met my expectations.
That said, even though these are the good guys, they are all complex and have their flaws. This first book in the series is told from Xavier’s perspective. He’s hard on himself and struggles to learn some of what he needs to fight the forces of evil. He’s got a team that has his back, but it’s not always enough. He has to learn to be confident and trust himself as much as he’s learned to trust the others.
I love, love, love that this is a Mighty Queer Story. It’s both part of the fabric of the tale and also something entirely ordinary in a world of extraordinary. At the start of the story, Xavier’s never dated anyone, but it isn’t because of homophobic bullying or bigotry. It’s simply because his life has been rough and he hasn’t had opportunity. I very much like when there are reasons for a queer character’s struggles that go beyond identity hate.
Another plus is the diversity of the cast. The characters come from all different races and backgrounds, and that is yet another part of the book where it’s not made into a specific issue of bigotry. Do their cultures inform who they are? Yes. But they are far too busy taking down demons to fuss with each other over who they are.
There isn’t a ton of time wasted on long exposition about the world. I was thrown in the deep end, and I loved it. There is a lot of action, and it’s easy to pick up everything from context. The fight scenes are nicely balanced with training and quieter moments. Through it all, the characters all grow both within themselves and in their powers.
Some things are explained by way of conversations, and I like that too. No one is silently brooding here. These characters know they have to bare it all with each other or they won’t be able to fight side by side. There’s even a sweet romance between two of the characters. To be honest, I didn’t quite see it coming at first, and then it slowly blossomed.
Overall, this was well-written, fun, and exciting. I’m looking forward to seeing where the story goes from here. For plenty of action, great characters, and a compelling plot, this gets 10/10 fountain pens.
Podcast Interview
We had the pleasure of interviewing L.D. Valentine for Bi+ (plus) last week. What a fun conversation! You can check it out here.
About the Author
I am a music loving, video playing, anime watching, comic book reading, movie debating, sword collecting ball of nerd who has an unhealthy relationship with tea and YouTube. Oh, and I love writing more than anything. I have always loved creating with words. My imagination was wild, and since I couldn’t draw to save my life, I turned to writing. Fast forward more years and I realize that queer representation is…in need of some help. I always enjoyed reading these amazing adventures in fantasy and sci-fi despite always being slightly depressed that I could never see myself in those characters. So I said, “To hell with waiting,” and decided to make my own. Now, with some effort and just smidge of luck, I will show this new generation that they can be the heroes. They’re meant for more than just being the side character, and I intend to show them that.
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