Another week, another snippet. Today is my youngest child’s 18th birthday. It’s definitely a little odd to have a household full of adults, but I’m incredibly proud of the person they’ve become.
I meant to do a snippet last weekend, but it’s been really busy here. We currently have a friend of my oldest child’s and their partner staying here because we’re helping extract the two of them from a difficult situation. I’m glad to be at a stage of life where we can do this more easily.
On top of all that, I had 2 more job interviews for my primary profession. One of them resulted in a new position! I’m thrilled to be on this path, finally getting started on the career I want. I still love writing, but I never intended to make it my full-time job. Having work now means more financial security and a way to support my writing without relying primarily on my spouse’s income.
Now to the actual snippet. Posting has definitely been keeping me invested in writing, so here’s the next bit.
At one point, back when my children were young, my oldest told a classmate that the Black Diamond was his uncle. When the classmate called him a liar, my son sneaked a photo to school of the one time my brother graced our family table with his presence. He looked ordinary and happy at the time, which I suppose didn’t fit with his hard rock image. The kid still denied that my son was telling the truth, so Brian clobbered him and ended up suspended from school for a week.
This was about a year before my brother publicly announced—for the last time—that he was entering rehab. Neither of my children ever again made it known they were related to him.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!

For a moment I forgot I was reading a story. This reads like a biography. Good work! Tweeted.
So happy for you securing a job. Congrats again. 🙂 Love the snippets too – the Black Diamond does not sound like the kind of chap one would want at the dinner table.