Heigh ho, happy Wednesday! Time for an update and this week’s WIPpet.
We’re in full-on State Testing Opt-Out mode here. My younger one is still homeschooled and therefore doesn’t need to take the state exams. My older one, however, is opting out—along with a lot of kids across the state. I happen to be married to a teacher, and this was a calculated risk on our part. I’m usually the one who does activist-type stuff, but my husband has been right in the thick of things. It’s been really cool to see this side of him.
Other than that, it’s same old, same old around here. I’m excited to be able to finally post about fellow author T. Strange‘s new release, My Zombie Boyfriend. I was lucky enough to get an advance copy, and you’ll just have to trust me when I say it’s well worth the read. If you’re on Facebook, there’s a release day event starting at 1pm EDT. I’ll be over there at 2 to talk about…stuff (spoiler-free zone here).
On to my WIPpet. We’re still with Andre this week, and he’s enduring an endless shopping trip with his sisters. For the record, I’m with Andre on this one.
WIPmath: 4/15 = 4 + (5-1) = 8 sentences.
Andre blew on his coffee to cool it and looked across the tiny table at his sisters. He’d agreed to go shopping with them on the condition they help him hunt for an apartment, but he regretted that decision now that he was sitting in South Station trying not to look pained by the aches in his feet and his head. There was nothing he hated more than shopping, made worse by the festive holiday atmosphere. He felt he owed Trinity and Phyllice, though. This was the first time he’d asked to make a trip into the city with them since [SPOILER], and they were more than willing to help him out.
On the plus side, he’d found a place almost first thing, a house for rent right in Weymouth. On the down side, he’d had to endure hours of crowds and noise and stores he didn’t care about other than his sisters’ one allowance into a secondhand music store. Now that he was comfortable and on the verge of being happily caffeinated, he crossed his fingers under the table in hopes the wicked duo didn’t have plans to drag him anywhere else.
For the record, I’m very fond of Trinity and Phyllice. They’re just typical big sisters who like tormenting the youngest sibling. Not that I would know anything at all about that.
Thanks to K. L. Schwengel for rallying the troops. If you want more good stuff, visit the link-up and check out the other WIPpets. To add your own, just post a bit of it on your blog, connect it to the date with Fancy Math, and share the link with us.
Happy reading and writing!