It’s Wednesday again! A lot has happened since last week. I think we’re all finally feeling better again. My daughter’s asthma is now well-controlled, and we had her special education meeting last week. She prefers that I not share too many details, but the one big thing that she has given me consent to share is that she made a big decision. It was partly based on the results of the evaluations done by the school, but mostly it’s just what she wanted.
As of September, we will no longer be homeschooling.
A small part of me is sad. I’ll miss having her here, and I’ll miss doing schoolwork with her. On the other hand, I think we’re all ready for this. She wants to go to school, and I’m looking forward to writing and editing full-time. There were no down sides to either choice, which made it easier.
Moving on, here are my ROW80 goals:
- Read 30 minutes/day—Yes, but not necessarily what I was supposed to be reading. Oops.
- Write 1 hour/day—Finally!
- Write 1 blog post/week that isn’t ROW80 or WIPpet—3 of ’em!
- Write 1 flash fiction/month—Not yet
- Walk on the treadmill 5 days/week—Nope, but I was still sick until the weekend, so I don’t feel too bad about that.
And last but not least, my WIPpet. This is a continuation of last week’s. In case you don’t recall or missed the last few posts, Trevor has moved in with his best friend, Nate, and two guys they met through a mutual friend. Trevor and Nate share a room. Hey, this is four musicians in Boston—they can’t afford something with more bedrooms. Anyway, Trevor and Nate have had a sort of friends-with-benefits relationship, and we last left them contemplating whether or not to…um…benefit (hint: they didn’t).
WIPmath: 3 + 2 + 5 + 1 + 5 – 2 – 0 = 14 dialog paragraphs.
Trevor pulled back. “I don’t think so.” He jerked his head in the direction of the other bedroom.
“Oh, please. We did this in a dorm room with the thinnest walls ever. Besides, Jamie’s all right, and I assume Mack wouldn’t care.”
“I mean it.” Trevor shook his head.
Nate huffed and withdrew his hand. He rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling; Trevor mimicked his actions. They were quiet for a few minutes.
Eventually, Nate said, “This isn’t about keeping secrets from our very obviously cool roommates. Wanna tell me what’s going on?”
“We need to stop.” He looked over at Nate. “I mean, with Marlie and all.”
“You’ve never been all that serious with her,” Nate countered. “If you were, you’d have asked her to marry you already.”
“I am serious!” Trevor insisted. “Besides, I just think…well, with my job and everything…” He trailed off.
“I see.” Nate scowled.
“I don’t think you do.” Trevor sat up and drew his knees to his chest. “Maybe this is part of my life I need to put behind me, you know? It’s time to settle down with Marlie. Gotta get things on track.”
Nate sat up too. “Put it behind you? It’s not a faucet, Trevor. You don’t just turn off your whole identity, and you definitely don’t do it for a damn job.”
“Who said anything about turning off my identity? I’m just saying maybe I need to try having a real relationship for once.”
“What do you mean by ‘real’?” Nate asked. “Real because it’s with a woman?”
Trevor looked down at his hands. “No. Real because it’s more than just messing with each other in bed now and again.” He glanced at Nate, whose face was stony. “I’ve always been with Marlie, and I thought it was understood she and I would eventually stay together. What you and I did was just a little fooling around between friends, right? It didn’t mean anything. ”
I have a feeling those words may come back to bite him in the rear.
If you want to read some other great WIPpets, just click on this handy link. Thanks to K. L. Schwengel for providing a place for us to gather. Happy writing!