Happy Wednesday! After 2 weeks off between my son’s school play and a wretched cold, I’m back. In case I didn’t mention it 300 times, my older kid was in Grease: School Version (G-rated). He played “neighborhood boy.” What he didn’t mention was that he got to be a hula-hooper in the finale. It was a great show, and all the kids were fantastic.
I wasn’t so great with my ROW80 goals, and I’m having a hard time getting back to them. I’m going to put in a bit more effort this week.
- Read 30 minutes/day—Yep
- Write 1 hour/day—Finally!!!
- Write 1 blog post/week that isn’t ROW80 or WIPpet—Not exactly.
- Write 1 flash fiction/month—Um, no. I didn’t do one last month, either. Ugh.
- Walk on the treadmill 5 days/week—No. More snow. Seriously, Elsa is fired.
On to my WIPpet. I already introduced you to Trevor and Andre in the the first snippet, then posted about Trevor moving in with his three roommates. Andre’s getting some changes too, but not before he endures an annoying day at the office.
WIPmath: 3 + 4 = 7 paragraphs.
Andre Cole gripped the phone tightly, barely restraining himself from shouting at the person on the other end of the line. I hate this job, he thought. Out loud, he said, “Have you tried uninstalling the program and reinstalling it?”
The customer gave him an earful, explaining why she couldn’t possibly do that. Andre sighed. It was going to be a long day. By the time he hung up with the clueless woman, he was already drained and in need of a break. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the woman at the next desk, Jagathi, smirking.
“Do not even start with me,” Andre told her.
“I did not say a word.”
“I hate this job,” Andre muttered.
“That is the fifth time you said it since you arrived today. What has you all in knots?” Jagathi asked.
“Oh, maybe the fact that I sort of imagined I’d have moved on from fixing the first-world problems of luddites by now. Or possibly the fact that every single conversation I’ve had today could have been prevented by simply reading the damn instructions.” Andre huffed.
I’ll try to visit as many WIPpets as I can this week, but no guarantees I’ll hit them all. I have a fairly tight schedule and a copyediting job I’m excited to finish up. The sooner I’m done, the sooner the author gets it out to the public, and trust me, that’s a good thing. 🙂
If you enjoyed that, you should see what my fellow writers have in store for you. Take a look at the other entries and add your own here. Thanks to K. L. Schwengel for hosting us. Happy writing!