Full disclosure: I was given an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.
I will admit, I don’t usually read erotica. However, every single time I’ve said, “I don’t read that,” I’ve taken a chance on something and been surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
This story touched a nerve in me, whether that was intentional on the part of the authors or not. It opens with Kaya, the main character, exploring social taboos. As someone who has engaged in a bit of activism and who has actively campaigned for the recognition of female sexuality, I loved this. The idea that women have a sexuality entirely our own—separate from anyone else, but especially from men—is too often denied in our culture.
I also tend not to like “creature fic.” I’m not a huge fan of monsters, and the idea of humans and non-humans interacting sexually is not generally to my taste. Once again, I was surprised and pleased to find this story tempers the weirdness with some underlying social commentary. I love the elements of transformation and becoming. I would expand on my thoughts, but I don’t want to spoil the story for anyone who hasn’t read it.
Kaya’s story is one of beauty, longing, and a touch of sadness. For those who really wouldn’t feel comfortable with the erotic elements, this is not for you. For everyone else, though, I think you’ll enjoy it, and my sense is that everyone will take away something different. In the tradition of all good myths and fables, there are deeper truths to find.
Having read work by both of the authors prior to this one, I was excited to see them collaborate. I hope to see more joint efforts from these two talented women.
Adrian J. Smith
Adrian J. Smith, or “AJ” as she is often called, is a part-time writer with an epic imagination, sharp wit, and kind heart that gets her into a bit of trouble when it comes to taking in all the neighborhood stray cats. Being obsessed with science fiction, Smith often goes off on tangents about the space-time continuum. She is also a part-time lunatic with a secretive past. It’s been rumored that she was once a spy for the government, but anyone who has gotten close enough to know the truth has never lived to tell the tale. When traveling around the world on various classified tasks, Smith requires the following be provided: buffalo jerky, mimosas, and eighty-six pennies. This is all we know about the reclusive woman.
Rachael Orman
Stay at home mother of two with a passion for reading almost as much as writing. She is often found curled up with her Kindle reading while her children cuddle up on either side ‘reading’ books of their own. Married for almost ten years to the most wonderful husband and father, she couldn’t ask for more out of life. Except maybe to live somewhere not quite as hot as the desert she currently lives in.