I’ve been super productive with both kids in camp. One more week of camp and then I may regret making my goals. Ha!
I’ll make this quick, as I don’t have much time. I need to make dinner. As my writing partners can affirm, I’m always eating whenever I write. Apparently, it makes me hungry!
To sum up:
Write 1 hour a day on my current WIP, Passing on Faith. √ Started a new project as well, which I won’t keep up on. It was just a way to let the plot bunny have a say without compromising the novel.
Read 30 minutes a day. Only missed one—didn’t read yesterday because I didn’t have time. We went to one of those murder-mystery dinners.
Write 1 blog post per week that isn’t ROW80 or WIPpet Wednesday. √ Yep, accomplished earlier in the week.
How are your goals going?