Happy Wednsday, everyone! I’m linking up with another great WIPpet. If you’d like to play along, just click this link or visit our host, K. L. Schwengel.
Speaking of that, I got to do a fun WIPpeteer interview! You can read it here.
In other exciting news, my penultimate (ok! I admit it! I like that word!) chapter is with my beta readers now. Once I get the last chapter back, I have a few more beta readers lined up for round two, and then I get to decide what to do with it (publish it; duh). I’m going to admit my complete, massive fear here because I’ve never published a whole book before. Being able to say (in a very deep voice), “Why, yes, I am a published author” is a real possibility now. **INSERT MASSIVE FREAK-OUT HERE**
Ahem. On to my excerpt. When we last left Phin, he was in the company of Gia on a whirlwind tour of the town. Just what did those two kids get up to, you may be wondering. Well, I’m not going to spell it out for you. Just read the two lines (for the first WIPpet of the 2nd month) of dialogue between Dani and Gia and let your imagination fill in the rest.
“We came back here and messed around a little while we watched a movie. Oh, my god, Dani, guys my age are so selfish, but he kept asking if I liked what he was doing. Seriously, dudes need lessons from Phin on how to give good—”
“Gia!” Dani squeaked. She felt herself flush. “Stop. Too much information.”
Sounds like they had a, um, nice time there. See you all next week!