This won’t be the typical NN that I post every Friday. As promised, I’m linking you all up with some really fantastic people who are both LGBTQI and Christian. Even though there are some well-spoken allies out there, you won’t find them on this list. Whether you’re a straight ally (or potential ally) or you just need to hear you’re not alone, these are some places to begin. Some will be familiar, others not. Although I also know lots of LGBTQI people who are of other religions or are non-religious, I’m sticking specifically with Christians here because of the tendency to think there’s no such thing. I will probably have managed to leave out some people; if this is the case, and you are disappointed at not getting a linky-doo from me, let me know in the comments and I’ll add yours in. If you are a total stranger and want to be added in, let me know that too–I like making new acquaintances!
Now for the list:
There’s a good reason Fr. Shay makes first spot on my list–he’s just that kind of awesome. Lots of serious theology. If you pick one of the links in this post, make it this one.
And then make this link your second stop. Just trust me.
Lots of honesty here, and you need to be prepared that it might stir up your own honesty.
Intelligent, witty, and full of observations about life, faith, & parenting. I dare you not to relate.
I particularly enjoy the sermons she posts.
There’s just something so likeable about him. He writes lots of good stuff on politics, faith, and LGBT news.
7. erinrebecca
Yay! A new bloggy friend! Her post from June 25 is one of the best things I’ve read this week; go check it out. I hope you find encouragement in the words.
8. Kevin Shoop
Another new connection. And really, I just like saying the name of his blog. Plus, anyone self-describing as “gay, post-modern, existentialist Christian agnostic” must be cool, right?
Very funny and entertaining. He was actually my first introduction to some unique readings of Scripture.
10. Queer Theology
Yesterday, I mentioned Googling queer theology. This is a good place to get started before you search.
11. Places to find support
11. Organizations related to Christianity and LGBTQI interests
As I said, this isn’t an exhaustive list. Also, there are some people who are not on here because I know them personally and linking up would cause them real-life issues (like being outed to our mutual friends). But I would love to see this grow. Feel free to message, comment, tweet at me, or stand on my lawn at midnight and throw rocks at my window (not really). Link up, and have a great weekend, all!