It’s a gorgeous, hot, sunny day here where I am. Today, my 9-year-old takes part in his first big competition. He’s going with his jazz band to a school about an hour away where they will compete against middle and high schoolers (his is the only elementary band, so they’re in the middle school category). Best of luck, kiddo!
While I pass the hours until my daughter and I drive out to watch him, I’m rounding up some of my favorite links for the week.
1. When modesty policing happens
Modesty culture: the gift that keeps giving. Or, in this case, that keeps pitting us against one another as we struggle to define terms and create safer space for women. I will admit to going into my reading of this piece on Rage Against the Minivan knowing that many of the writers I respect disliked it. I was surprised to find that I actually agreed with quite a lot of it, but there were niggling doubts in my mind. The responses to it confirmed that it wasn’t my imagination. Several people have expressed their concerns far better than I could. Here’s a list of the best ones:
- On glittery boobs and translating clothing into meaning
- Getting My Bikini Body: A Story
- No disrespect, Miss
- modesty – a roundup of posts and thoughts
2. When “ask Rachel Held Evans” happens
For those who haven’t been following her, she has a regular “Ask a…” series. This time, she’s left it open for us to ask her. Go take a look and post your questions.
3. When kindness happens
I haven’t been following the story, but apparently others have. Over on Hännah’s blog she’s been tracking the story of her friend’s escape from a controlling, abusive, fundamentalist environment. She had requested donations to help Jennifer, and the response was overwhelming. I hope you have a few minutes to read the original posts and the update. It’s pretty inspiring.
4. When affirmation happens
I happen to attend a welcoming/affirming church. Sometimes, that’s what’s needed. I challenge you to make it through this post from Registered Runaway without feeling moved.
5. When fatherhood happens
This is a fantastic post about why it’s a terrible idea to label women the “natural nurturers.” When our son was born, I remember one of the women at the church we attended telling me that she hated when people referred to dads as “babysitting” their children. Although I would not have thought to use that phrase myself, I had never given it much consideration. After nearly 10 years of parenting together, I can confirm the truth in that. My husband is, in fact, much more naturally nurturing than I am. And he most definitely does not “babysit” our kids–he parents them.
6. When “things that should never be combined” happens
You get something like this. (Warning: Contains Christianese and reference to Christian porn. Not explicit, but read it after any minors are in bed. Also, I shouldn’t have to say this, but it’s not real.)
7. When fiction happens
If you haven’t been reading the series “On the Night Bus” over at Rubies and Duels, go do so right now.
You can also read my own latest fiction, The Smokin’ Hot Wives Club.
That’s it for this week. I hope you all have a great weekend. I’m going to spend mine watching my kids perform in their first recital at this dance studio. I’ll be back on Monday with my usual Fifty Shades post. Catch you all later!