Edited to add: A friend helpfully pointed out to me that I had missed a huge one this week. That’s what I get for swearing off Twitter for 4 days so I can read a book. Oh, well. This post now reflects that information.
This week’s big topic: Pastors who threaten people and the people who listen.
Pastor Charles Worley of Providence Road Baptist Church recommends electric fence for gays
Really? Really?! I don’t care how you feel about the sinfulness/non-sinfulness of homosexuality. It ought to make you mad that this person claims to represent God and the Church. Pastor Worley, this isn’t the way to help people find Jesus.
Providence Road Baptist Church member defends Pastor Worley
Well. Isn’t that special.
This woman seems unaware that this happened:
Meanwhile, Hustler proved that liberals are jackasses, too. New York Daily News columnist S. E. Cupp was victimized by having her image Photoshopped into lewd pictures. I don’t care what her politics are, and I don’t care that it was a “joke.” It wasn’t funny and NO WOMAN ANYWHERE DESERVES TO BE TREATED THAT WAY. Yes, you did just read me shouting.
In other news, because I don’t want to leave this on such a downer, here are a couple of great posts from the fabulous Rachel Held Evans. Whenever I want to read something thought-provoking and uplifting, I read her blog. I cannot wait to get my hands on her upcoming book. Meanwhile, enjoy a couple of cool posts from this week:
“All right, then, I’ll go to hell.” RHE eloquently puts into words the feelings so many of us have. I love this post.
Ask a Seventh-day Adventist I honestly don’t know much about Adventism. In my entire life, I’ve known exactly two people active in the faith and one family that left the faith. The ones who left called it a “cult.” I enjoyed reading more about it, although I don’t know if I feel more confused or less.
Have a great week, everyone!
If you see anything interesting this week around the web, drop me a note via the Contact Me link on the sidebar. With your permission, I’ll credit you with the find.