So, since I have neglected this blog for the most part since the beginning of November, I thought I should post an update. You know, life and stuff.
In case you missed my previous post, the reason for my temporary abandonment has been National Novel Writing Month. It’s been a lot of fun. I had an outline when I started, as well as lots of plotty bits (yep, technical term) and character sketches. And then actual writing happened. In the course of storytelling, I changed a major plot line, removed a character, and added one or two others. So apparently writing a novel is similar to reading one. Occasionally, you just don’t know where things will lead until you get there. In my case, I figuratively started out in Ohio and ended up in Outer Mongolia. Sort of. And if you happen to be a writer yourself, or have participated in NaNoWriMo, you know exactly what I mean.
Anyway, I’m nearly halfway there, so I’m right on schedule. My goal has been to write about 2,000 words every day, or approximately one chapter. That gives me a little flexibility if I get behind. Hopefully I will both finish the story and reach 50,000 words. I can’t promise that it will be anything anyone would want to read, but it will be done, at least.
For the very curious, I’m writing a YA novel about a girl, her faith, and some African penguins. Strange concept, I know, but it seemed to fit. Hey, I had to work my kids in there somewhere, right? In this case, I went with my daughter’s fascination with all things animal and in particular her love of the African penguins at our zoo. And despite the premise, I’m avoiding the clichéd version of an adolescent Christian girl. I mean, who wants to read yet another book about a Proverbs 31 wife in the making? Booo-ring. I like my heroines to be flawed, with a side of angst, and I don’t like the idea of lessons learned with pat answers.
So that’s it for now. I’m going to keep plugging away at it. I’ll try to stop by here and post now and again, just to keep this blog from feeling lonely. But for the most part, just expect regular reposts of my work on Provoketive. I’ll be back in full-swing in December. Until then, blessings on you and yours, my friends.