School has officially started, for both of my kids. My now 7-year-old decided to test the waters of public school. So far, so good, at least from his point of view. He absolutely loves school. Jury’s still out on how I feel about him being there, but I think that’s just a matter of missing having him home. For now, this seems to be the best thing for him. He came home on the first day greatly disappointed that he didn’t have any “real” homework. All he had was some coloring in to finish on his math paper. So he made up his own. If only he would still be doing this in another 7 years!
My younger one, on the other hand, still wants to be home. She does miss her brother’s company. On the other hand, she loves having mommy all to herself. We’ve started school for her, too. She is the Queen of Worksheets. I never used them at all with my son. There are only two things he never enjoyed: coloring and worksheets. My daughter adores them. Right now, we’re enjoying the storybooks that go along with her math workbook. If anyone else is homeschooling and using Singapore Math, I definitely recommend the storybooks for Kindergarten.
So that’s how our year is shaping up at this point. Only time will tell, but it looks good so far!