Happy 2017! I’m starting my year the way I ended it: reading lots of books. I have a whole bunch of new ones on my Kindle that were part of my Christmas gift, and I have a few I’m working on by request of the author. My goal is 60 books by the end of the year. I doubled that in 2016, but it was a bit much.
I’m also whittling away at Keeping the Faith, the last part of Micah & Cat’s story. It’s bittersweet for a lot of reasons. I know some people would love if I wrote about them forever, but I can tell it’s time to let them go. I thought about waiting (this book is set several years in the future, and I can’t predict what will happen between now and then). But because I’m ready to move on, it needs to be done now.
I think it will be clear eventually from the context what’s going on (and it certainly is in the actual book), so I’m not going to spell it out here. You’ll just have to trust me, I suppose. In this snippet, Micah’s gone to visit LR, Cat’s sister.
WIPmath: No math. New year, new snippets, first chapter.
Micah sat at his sister-in-law’s kitchen table, spooning food into his nephew’s open mouth. About fifty percent of it made it—hopefully—to Robbie’s stomach; the other half landed on his chin, the tray in front of him, and Micah’s hand. Robbie giggled and blew a raspberry, resulting in flecks of pureed squash landing on Micah’s cheek.
LR glanced over. “You really don’t have to do that. He can eat Cheerios until I finish the dishes.”
“I don’t mind.”
Never having wanted his own children, Micah nevertheless loved the ones belonging to other people. Good thing, or he wouldn’t have made a very good teacher. It had surprised him—and Cat—that Micah had taken so readily to babies, though. Robbie was number four and the third unplanned surprise. LR swore he was the last.
Micah finished feeding the baby and stepped to the sink for a cloth to clean himself, Robbie, and anything in a ten-foot radius of the high chair. LR glanced at him and choked on a laugh.
“Got some in your hair,” she said.
“Gross,” Micah remarked. He reached up with the damp cloth and wiped at it.
While he cleaned up, he contemplated what he wanted to say to LR. He wasn’t sure how to explain. They were close, made possible in large part because LR lived next door to him. Cat had moved in with Micah, and the house, which technically she’d owned anyway, had become hers. It was a good thing, too—she and Jamal had barely been married five minutes when she officially announced she was pregnant. Only Cat and Micah had known before the wedding.
“Can I talk to you about something?” Micah asked, lifting Robbie from the high chair.
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