Happy Saturday! A lot has happened this week, including a random quote of mine going viral. It was all a bit surreal. I’m still shaking my head at how quickly it happened. Now if only they’d all read my books…
Here’s a bit more of Pink in the Mirror. This is possibly my favorite part in the whole thing. This is where we get to meet Barbara’s girl. I adore Barbara, I really do, but Dottie is definitely someone special.
Here’s the tagline: Before, Barbara’s goal was to win the county drag race. Now all she wants is to win Dottie’s heart.
There she was, sitting on the hood like she did every day, pink sleeveless blouse pulled taut over her full breasts and long, dungaree-clad legs stretched out in front of her. As always, her glossy, dark brown hair was swept up in an elaborate twist, and her face was perfectly painted, complete with bold, red lipstick. She was smoking—smoking—blowing thick clouds from her mouth and seeming as relaxed as you please. Barbara couldn’t help the way her eyes were drawn that direction, stealing glances in between listening to Jimmy and Roo go on about how much they could shave off Barbara’s best time.
Barbara’s gaze flicked to Jimmy’s Olds again, and this time, the young woman’s eyes locked on hers. Barbara’s breath caught, and she took a step back—right into Jimmy.
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!