Author: Evelyn Elliott
Title: Bad Magic
Series: Spell Slave
Book: One (Can be read as a standalone)
Release Date: October 28, 2015
Length: 161 pages, 55,000 words
Categories: Bisexual, Fantasy, M/M Romance, Romance
Goodreads Link:
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: Christine Griffin
Morality is relative. At least that’s what young sorcerer Regis Teller convinces himself. He’s done what he must to survive: working for a witch since he was nine, helping her throw the kingdom into anarchy, and taking his only comfort in her mysterious son, Crow. And soon, Regis is going to commit his first murder.
A do-gooder named Jonathan White has information the witch needs, and it’s Regis’s job to get that information and slit Jonathan’s throat. But then Regis actually meets Jonathan. And Jonathan is perfect—a hero with a passion for justice and little regard for civility.
Lucky for Regis, Jonathan has a weakness for attractive men. Lucky for Jonathan, Regis is fast developing a conscience and a heart. But for Regis, keeping both of them alive at their adventure’s end means breaking a magical oath and surviving his ruthless boss—all without telling Jonathan the truth. Falling in love is never easy, especially when everyone involved is lying through their teeth.
The road led to a forest. Though perhaps “forest” was not the correct word; the majority of it was comprised of brambles, vines, and the most vicious flowers Regis had ever seen. Some of them seemed to be moving. “This is it?” Regis said.
Jonathan looked a bit puzzled. “I thought so.”
“This is possibly the most evil forest I’ve ever seen.” It was, in fact, the only evil forest he had ever seen.
“Yeah. I… yeah. I can definitely see what you mean.”
Chartreuse the dragon inspected the forest. “Can you burn us through?” Regis asked her.
I could start a small fire, she offered. It would probably spread. We could burn the whole forest down.
“Never mind,” Regis said.
She settled down a safe distance from the trees. I think I’ll wait here.
Jonathan drew his sword. The brambles seemed to twitch in response, and Regis half expected them to lash out like tentacles. He shuddered, pulling the fur-trimmed cloak tighter around himself.
The road continued into the forest. The brambles had swallowed it, but bits of uneven cobblestone remained, marking a path to the castle. Jonathan hacked his way through, and Regis followed closely, silently checking on his magic. He had a fair amount, but he wasn’t sure what he could do with it.
He’d only gone a few feet when there came a creaking noise. Behind them, the brambles moved to cover the path. There was a brief pause as Jonathan and Regis looked at each other. “Is there magic here?” Jonathan said.
“You can’t smell it?”
“Normal people can’t smell magic, Regis.”
“Oh,” Regis said. “Well, there’s sort of a sharp smell, like boiled weeds. Brambles like this are a sign of fairy infestation. This forest wasn’t here ten years ago, was it?”
“No,” Jonathan said. Regis ducked under a vine, tripped on a root, and landed flat on his face. Jonathan offered him a hand. Regis took it and heaved himself up, wiping the mud off. “Here,” Jonathan said. He pulled off his tunic and held it out, leaving himself in a thin white undershirt. “What’s a fairy?”
Regis smeared the mud off his face. “Well, they’re a bit like nature spirits. They feed off of magic and, um, other kinds of energy.”
“Why are they protecting the queen?”
“Protecting her? Probably they just like living near her. The sleep spell is strong. They’re probably feeding off of the discharge.”
“Are they dangerous?”
“I hear most of them are women. Hot women. So yeah. Kind of.” He stepped under a branch. “Not dangerous to you, maybe. You know, because you’re….” He cleared his throat, gesturing wildly.
“Because I’m what?”
“You know. A woman-hater. It’s okay,” he said. “Chartreuse mentioned it a while ago.”
“I like women just fine,” Jonathan said. “I just don’t like having sex with them.”
“Have you tried? It’s fantastic. Maybe you just haven’t found the right girl yet.” Jonathan got a pinched look on his face, and he didn’t answer, his mouth tight. “Oh,” Regis said. “Um. Sorry. Did I say something—you know what, never mind.”
“Things are a lot simpler where I’m from,” Jonathan said. “No magic. No fairies. No people like you.”
“Sounds dull.”
Jonathan sighed. “Not really.” He glanced at Regis. “So. Fairies are real. What about elves?”
“What, those little shoemaker things? Oh, yeah, they’re real. But they’re actually the size of people, and they have pointy ears. Oh, and they’re immortal, and they worship nature. And they spend all day singing and composing poetry.”
Jonathan scowled. “You could have just said no.”
At first glance, Evelyn Elliott seems like a perfectly normal person. Do not be deceived.
Her hobbies include watching grisly horror movies, torturing her characters, and tending to her flower garden. She enjoys long walks on the beach and collecting the souls of small children. Whenever she reads a book, she always roots for the villain.
Avoid her at all costs. Certainly do not find her on facebook or befriend her online. You have better things to do.
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20-Apr: Prism Book Alliance, My Fiction Nook
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