Oaky, I haven’t exactly been on track with these. I didn’t post for a couple of weeks because I knew I didn’t really have time to read everyone else’s. This is my last “free” weekend before school starts. We’ll see what happens after that. Mercifully, I’m a secondary teacher, so my prep time for classes isn’t as taxing as for elementary kids. I spent this past week setting up my room and making it shine for when the students arrive. I wonder how many parents will complain after open house that I have posters of the reproductive system on my wall.
Snippet time! It’s officially Bi Month, so I’m choosing some excerpts that feature bi+ characters. One of my series is currently unavailable, as it’s going through some “tough love” for a re-release. The others can all be found where most books are sold.
This one is from my very first novel, Lower Education. It’s slightly longer than 6 sentences, but only because some of them are very short.
Phin sighed. “In case it wasn’t clear to you, I like men. I like sex with men. But, Alex, I like women, too. I enjoyed fooling around with Gia. Whatever else you may think of me, I wasn’t play-acting or just trying to work her over. She’s very sexy, and it felt good. That’s all. With some guys, I feel like I need to fake it—to them, shame is respectable, but enjoying myself with women isn’t. It would be easier for them if they thought I only ever fucked women because I was ‘doing business,’ as you said. Or maybe because I was still in the closet, I suppose. But I’m as out as I’m ever gonna be—I’m not hiding.”
Rainbow Snippets is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ authors, readers, and bloggers to share 6 sentences each week from a work of fiction—published or in-progress—or a book recommendation. Feel free to join in!