Author: Kitty Stephens
Title: Set Me Free
Release Date: June 9, 2016
Pages or Words: 63,000 words
Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance
When an affluent college-bound boy falls for a young artist, he must choose between the life that’s been mapped out for him and the chance at true love.
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They found a secluded spot to sit off the main drag and scarfed down pieces of pizza and people-watched. Aaron had been full of nerves earlier, but Lucky put him at ease. He had that way about him.
“I’ve got a few minutes left,” Lucky said when they finished their food.
They got up, sipping at their drinks as they made their way through the crowd back toward Lucky’s booth. It was now or never. He had to ask, had to get the words out, or miss his shot.
“Can I ask you something?” Lucky spoke up before Aaron could. Maybe Lucky would… Aaron held his breath, nodding. “It might sound weird.”
“Sure,” Aaron replied, his heart beating a little faster. He had no idea what was coming now; what could Lucky possibly want from him? A kiss?
“Can you take your picture for me?”
Aaron blinked at him. Lucky tilted his head off to one side and Aaron turned his head the same direction. His gaze landed on a photo booth, realization sinking in. His mouth fell open, unsure what to say. It was a little weird because they barely knew each other, but also flattering.
“I’d really like to draw you again.” Lucky seemed slightly embarrassed. “I mean, I could take pictures on my phone if that’s better for you, but that seemed creepier somehow.”
Aaron couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped at Lucky’s words, even as the idea of Lucky drawing him again and again left him breathless. “Um,” he managed to get out, glancing around at the crowd. A familiar blonde head caught his eye and he nearly choked.
Was Lyn at the carnival? Wasn’t she supposed to be with their mothers?
Aaron pulled Lucky by the hand into the photo booth and slid the curtain shut.
Lucky slid money into the slot as they sat down. His breath caught as Lucky’s hands touched his face gently. “Like this,” Lucky whispered, turning his head to the side. The camera flashed. Lucky’s fingers turned his head to the front, pulling away just in time for the camera to go off again. Once again, Lucky’s fingers turned his head to the side, only now he was facing Lucky, staring deeply into his eyes.
Aaron tried not to hyperventilate as he held Lucky’s gaze. The camera flashed for the last time but neither of them moved.
“Go out with me?” Aaron suddenly blurted out. He had to do something or he might do something even more insane, like kiss Lucky. Aaron so wasn’t ready for that yet. Lucky’s eyes widened and he smiled.
“Sure,” Lucky drawled after a moment. “When?”
Kitty Stephens’ writing aspirations date back to her childhood, when she and her brother would make up stories about characters in their favorite books. She eventually started writing stories in online fan communities, and majored in English at Ohio State University. She lives in Ohio with her husband and son. Set Me Free is her first novel.
Get to know the author on tumblr at @kittystephenswrites and on Twitter at @KittyStephensWr
Twitter: @KittyStephensWr
Today I’m chatting with Kitty Stephens about writing, life, and their current project. Welcome! Let’s talk a little about Set Me Free.
What inspired you to write this story?
I originally submitted Set Me Free for Interlude Press’ Summer Love anthology. Because of that I explored the idea of summer love and what happens at the end of summer with the relationship. It’s also a story about being true to yourself and doing what makes you happy, even if you’re not quite sure what that is yet.
Is there a character you feel especially connected to? Why?
I think I’m most connected to Aaron. The original manuscript was told completely from his perspective and as a result, he ended up with a lot of me in him. I relate to the idea that he has no idea what he wants to do with his life.
What was the hardest part of writing this?
Finding time to sit down and write in steady blocks. Some days I would only write a bit here or there and it’s hard to stay in the flow of a scene if the writing is interrupted.
Choose a favorite line or short passage. What do you like about it?
“It’s peaceful,” Lucky replied. He pictured the painting in his mind, the swirls of light and color taking shape as he talked about them. “There’s so much love in that painting. Sort of like the town is being taken care of by the light of the stars.”
“Wow,” Aaron said quietly. “I never considered it that way. I always feel like I’m as swirled inside as the painting when I see it.”
I just loved this because this is one of my favorite paintings and I felt like this discussion really illustrates where the two characters are at using the same artwork.
Tell us a little about any upcoming projects.
I am currently working on a pitch for a YA series about a high school LGBTQ club.
How do you choose names for your characters?
For Set Me Free, once I had picked Georgia as the location, I researched names common to that area.
Where do you look for inspiration for new stories?
Everywhere! Sometimes inspiration comes from strange places. Once I wrote something that was inspired by a dentist appointment.
What else do you use to immerse yourself in the story (music, visuals, etc.)?
Definitely music. It helps me focus and tune out the rest of the world.
Word Sprints!
- Coffee or tea? Tea
- Cats or dogs? Both
- Musical theater or rock concert? Musical Theater
- What’s your favorite food? Pizza
- What’s your favorite ice cream? Coffee with Chocolate Chips
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