Happy Wednesday! I’m posting optimistically, meaning I hope to get to everyone’s WIPpet this week. But with so much going on, I can’t promise. We’re in the final two weeks of performance season. In less than two weeks, we will be done with everything—rehearsals, concerts, recitals—until September.
In other big news, my son’s school just announced next year’s musical. They’ll be doing The Sound of Music. My kiddo wants to try out as one of the von Trapps. We’ll see how it goes. Either way, both my kids are super excited, as that’s one of their favorite musicals.
For this week’s WIPpet, I’m still in the same scene. I’ll post this and one more next week, and then I have to find a new section to draw from because SPOILERS! If you recall, Andre just made a not-so-nice comment about the band (who happen to be Trevor’s roommates), and Trevor agreed. There’s a reference here to a woman named Dahlia, but if I tell you who she is, that would be—you got it—spoilers.
WIPmath: 6 + 3 = 9, plus a bonus = 10 paragraphs
Intrigued, Andre tilted his head. “What do you like, then?”
“If I’m out to be entertained, I like a little jazz. I wanted to be a jazz pianist when I was a kid.” He laughed. “Don’t know why I’m telling you this.”
Andre tilted his chin. “So, you play?”
“Yeah. Not jazz, though. At least, not anymore.” Trey silenced himself by taking a drink.
“I like a little jazz myself. There’s a great place not that far from here. Weekends, they have open mike. You should check it out sometime.” Andre’s throat tightened. He hadn’t meant to let it slip; the jazz cafe was where he’d met Dahlia. He brushed the memory away.
“Maybe I will.”
The music changed, and Andre set his empty glass down on the bar. The new song was tolerable. He turned to Trey and said, “So what do you say? You in the mood to dance?”
Trey shrugged. “Yeah, okay.”
He downed the rest of his beer surprisingly fast, and Andre raised his eyebrows, but Trey didn’t seem to notice. He followed Andre away from the bar and out among the crowd. It was too tightly packed for Andre’s taste, but he focused on Trey, and in no time they were moving to the music. Trey was surprisingly agile, leaving Andre content to let him lead. It didn’t take long to be caught up in the rhythm and the motion; they moved closer together, and Andre draped an arm around Trey’s shoulder. Trey stiffened, but he gradually relaxed into it and slipped his arm around Andre’s waist.
Whether it was the alcohol or the heat or the press of Trey’s body against his own, Andre wasn’t sure, but the tension felt good and his whole body was alive. The vague thought that he now owed Julian five dollars popped into his head, but he brushed it off so it wouldn’t spoil the moment.
Like what you read? Want more? Go here to read lots of other fabulous snippets. A world of thanks to our Head of House, K. L. Schwengel, for keeping us in order. Happy reading and writing!