Please welcome fellow author Eva Lefoy, whose story “Property of Cupid” appears in the anthology Love Is a Mess. She’s brought sexy god of love Eros along with her to sit down and chat about his naughty side and finding his perfect man.
Gay Cupid
Cupid has been a lot of things over the centuries. Firstly, he started out as the Greek god, Eros. In classical Greek art, he appears as a slender, winged youth. Later, he took on the chubby appearance and the bow and arrow. Later still, the Romans renamed him to Cupid, and his is known as Aphrodite’s son. With his archery skills, he induces uncontrollable desire in others. However, Cupid himself has only experienced it once, when he was struck by his own arrow and fell in love with Psyche.
In Property of Cupid, my M/M romance story in the Supposed Crimes anthology, Love is a Mess, Eros aka Cupid, also falls in love – after stabbing himself with his own arrow! But before this, there’s a tug of war between the cherubic side of him (Cupid) and the Greek side of him (Eros). Here’s a little Q&A with Eros to explain:
Me: Eros, what are you telling me, you’re two different people?
Eros: Well, yeah, I mean, I’ve this split personality thing going on. In my original form, I’m the Greek god, but once a year, on Valentine’s Day, everyone wants to see the cherub, so I transform to Cupid.
Me: Right, with your bow and arrow and you cause others to fall in love.
Eros: Uh huh. That’s essentially how it’s always been.
Me: So, where’d the demon come from? In the beginning of the story, you have a demonic side that must be fed.
Eros: *rubs his chin* yeah, well, if you’re a god and you’ve been around long enough, you tend to acquire a bad side. I mean, humans have personality defects too. It’s just if you’ve been around since 320 B.C. your defects have had a lot of time to develop…
Me: And so the sacrifice…you needed a sacrifice to keep the demon at bay or else he’d ruin Valentine’s Day for everyone?
Eros: Really, humans don’t want a naked fat kid shooting them with lead arrows and making them fall out of love with each other. *shudders* What good would that do the world?
Me: This sacrifice your demon needs just happens to need to be a virgin? A gay male virgin? You realize how hard that is to come by these days?
Eros: You’re telling me! My servant was supposed to have one all set up, but he did a really shoddy job.
Me: So, tell me about Jeremy. What drew you to him? I mean, you’ve had how many lovers over the years?
Eros: *sighs* He was just so lonely and sexy and – have you seen him dance? He’s so perfect.
Me: *snorts* Like in a Hollywood gorgeous sort of way, or in the tight hot virgin piece of ass way?
Eros: *checks his watch* I think we’re done here. I got other places to be.
Me: Uh huh. Yeah. Well, watch those arrows, Eros. You never know where one might end up!
“Property of Cupid” excerpt:
Tapping his fingers on the well-varnished bar, his gaze slid sideways to the scrunched up ball of human perched next to the wall. Well, not a ball exactly, but the man was hunched over a drink, his face downcast, not looking at anybody. He couldn’t have been over twenty five, so what did he have to worry about? Unless someone had hurt him. The thought tightened his chest. He grabbed his drink and cleared his throat. “Excuse me… but do I know you?”
What a jackass opening line for the god of love to say. Damn, I’m losing my touch. But then the young man raised his head.
Piercing lonely blue eyes locked onto his and held. Trapped in an innocent face, above two ripe pouty lips, they pulled him in with their stark neediness.
The prominent white feathers at his crotch ruffled as his cock stirred. The wings emerging from his back fluttered. Here was a possible sacrifice. He only needed to be sure.
The man blinked. “I don’t think so…” His gaze roamed up and down Eros’ body, from his naked torso to his pure white feathered greaves. If he was surprised at the costume, he didn’t show it. “I would have remembered you.”
Smirking, he leaned closer and realized the drink in the man’s hand was a merely a soda. That wouldn’t do. “Well, it’s high time we met.” Batting his thick eyelashes, he poured half of his Dalwhinnie into the man’s glass. “What’s your name?”
“Jeremy. I’ll drink to that.” He took a sip of his single malt whiskey and noticed Jeremy stared into his, as if unsure what to do. Wrapping his hand around Jeremy’s he lifted the glass to his lips. “Drink up. It will do you good.”
He licked his lips as Jeremy swallowed. He wanted to trace the path of the warm liquid down his throat with his tongue, and knew the instant the fiery substance reached his belly, for Jeremy closed his eyes and smiled. “Good, isn’t it?”
“Uh huh.”
He switched glasses with Jeremy and again held it up to his mouth. He needed Jeremy good and pliable, right this second. Drunk would help that along, too.
Jeremy’s eyes flashed him a vulnerable look before, like a deer overpowered by the magnificence of its predator; he obediently drank the fiery liquid down.
Eros’ heart squeezed again, Jeremy’s helpless expression piercing his skin like an arrow. Hades. I’d want to take this one home even if I wasn’t desperate for a ripe innocent fuck. But he ignored the throbbing of his cock and played the gentlemen. He offered his hand to Jeremy and jerked his head toward the gyrating masses. “Want to dance?”
Author Bio and Contact:
Eva Lefoy writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a die-hard Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking. One of these days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her job, and go travel the galaxy. Until then, she’s writing down all her dirty thoughts for the sake of future explorers.
New: Website
See what happens next in Love is a Mess.
Edited by C. E. Case
Stories by A. M. Leibowitz, Adrian J. Smith, Amber Kinsey, Eva Lefoy, Geonn Cannon, L. M. Perrin, Michael DuPuy and Rachael Orman.
Publisher: Supposed Crimes, LLC
Release Date: January 3, 2015 (ebook only)
Length: Anthology / 35,000 words / 119 pages
Buy Links:
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Love is a Mess: A Supposed Crimes Anthology contains eight stories from eight authors on the topic of misfortune at Valentine’s Day. The topics range from the fun of the moment to the power of the eternal. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual characters star in their own love and lust stories—erotic, playful, and thoughtful.
Viral Valentine by L. M. Perrin
When a Valentine’s Day prank goes badly, Paige’s guilt won’t let her watch the victim walk away without a proper apology.
Date Blind by Geonn Cannon
A woman discovers the worst possible blind date scenario when her date turns out to be someone who bullied her in high school.
The Politician and the Pilot by Amber Kinsey
A politician and a pilot make a steamy connection on Valentine’s Day.
Bar Tryst by Rachael Orman
After her roommate blackmailed her into going to an Anti-Valentine’s day party, Vanessa decided to make the best of it especially when the bartender shared that she was looking to have a good time too.
Quarter Life: Energy Feed by Adrian J. Smith
With strange creatures in her path, Faye is determined to get the information she wants no matter the cost.
Property of Cupid by Eva Lefoy
Will an ancient Greek god give up half his powers to love a mere human? Or will Cupid loose his golden arrow, letting Jeremy fall in love with another man?
Private Dance by A. M. Leibowitz
With Alex’s sexy boyfriend, Phin, gone for three weeks, there’s only one option: let his best friend’s kids lead him on a treasure hunt through town to find his Valentine’s gift waiting for him to unwrap.
The Last Mitzvah by Michael DuPuy
One man seeks salvation over love, death, and ice cream.